Oh man, it was a long drive for sure! It was well worth it though - it was a great game, we won 4-0 (expected really!) and I met some great people up at the stadium and in the pubs afterwards.
It's not for everyone, that's for sure. That being said, I think it's important for people to realise that a "criminal" is just another person, like you or me. We could be, or could become, "criminals" very easily. Some "criminal" offences don't even require "intent", they are what's called "strict liability" offences (at least in the UK), so theoretically, although it doesn't happen often, you could commit a crime without even knowing it.
Even when it comes to actual "criminals", lots of people are just regular guys/girls who make a stupid heat of the moment mistake. Yes, there are career criminals and people who have a record longer than your arm, but they are most definitely not the majority. For example, over 12 million people in the UK have a criminal record, yet 11 million (and a few more) of these people will never have been to prison... the crimes are generally minor.
When it comes to victims, that part is definitely difficult, especially if they have no prior experience of the criminal justice system. The rules and procedures of courts and the criminal justice system in general are not exactly user-friendly or easy to understand, and sometimes people can become very distressed or upset just out of pure confusion or anxiety about the process. Those kinds of cases can be challenging and sometimes even rather mentally tough to deal with.