Do you think sidebars are a good way to relay information to users of your board?
I think it's nice to have information in the header and footer, but sometimes those areas can be cluttered and hard to sift through the links you wish to access. A sidebar can help de-clutter those areas and make it more accessible, especially if you use a fixed sidebar that scrolls with the board. Of course, some administrators overdo the information sidebars contain and become cluttered, so keeping the sidebar information to a mid-tier minimum can be elegant.
I think it's nice to have information in the header and footer, but sometimes those areas can be cluttered and hard to sift through the links you wish to access. A sidebar can help de-clutter those areas and make it more accessible, especially if you use a fixed sidebar that scrolls with the board. Of course, some administrators overdo the information sidebars contain and become cluttered, so keeping the sidebar information to a mid-tier minimum can be elegant.