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New Forum Type Xenforo

Interesting. You no longer go into a topic. You click on a subject, and it shows the content immediately in the same page. How does this work for very long topics? I'm guessing you don't have very large topics yet?

It's interesting though. I'll keep a close eye on this. Is this something you plan on releasing?
Not being threaded on a separate page is the major drawback that I see.

Having it show the nested replies when you click a "thread" on the same page makes all other threads on the node just... noise.

You will have someone lost in that thread forever and all the other threads will be overlooked, especially when there are large conversations in one thread.
I'm also curious how this will affect SEO (not positively, I'm immediately assuming)
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I was just browsing a topic and may have a little suggestion:


Perhaps it would be a good idea to have some line breaking between posts. A fine gray line. Seems a bit more easy to navigate imo.
The grey lines would definitely help break up the posts a bit. This reminds me of Reddit, which I've mentioned over on Admin-Junkies already. Either way, best of luck with this it's a unique layout that hasn't been done on Xenforo!

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