This is a common question that many community managers face. There is no one right answer, but here are some general tips I have found on other boards that might help:

- - Try to understand the root cause of their behavior. Sometimes, people act out because they are frustrated, unhappy, or left out. They might need empathy, support, or guidance to overcome their challenges.
- - Communicate clearly and respectfully. Don't ignore, dismiss, or attack them. Instead, acknowledge their feelings and concerns, and explain your expectations and boundaries. Use positive and constructive language and avoid blaming or shaming them on open forums.
- - Offer solutions and alternatives. Don't just punish them if they are breaking the rules or causing problems. Instead, help them find ways to improve their situation and behavior. For example, you can suggest resources, tools, mentors, or other options that might benefit them.
- - Involve other members if needed. Sometimes, you might need to enlist the help of other members to deal with troubled members. For example, you can ask for feedback, advice, or support from other community moderators, leaders, or experts. You can also encourage positive peer pressure and social norms by highlighting other members' good examples and behaviors.