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  1. Bawse

    Leadership Sudden boost of activity

    Have you ever experienced a sudden boost of activity on your forums? How did you adjust to the wave of traffic?
  2. Bawse

    Communication Members That Always Complain

    I had members do a little worse than complain like curse at me. I give them a warning expecting them not to comply, but I like to give at least a chance first for a member to change their attitude.
  3. Bawse

    Leadership Administrating while drunk (definitely not recommended)

    I need my my poppers(tobacco with weed on top) in the bong. It definitely helps my creative thoughts lol
  4. Bawse

    Poker Community - Online Poker Forum

    I'm looking affiliates/agents interested in promoting StockPoker, and earning revenue for the players they send. More info:
  5. Bawse

    Engagement How to convert lurking members/guests to engage more?

    My forum has a lot of members that don't actively participate in discussions. They mostly come for our daily freeroll, and to check the leaderboard in our daily buy-ins hosted on a partnered poker site. Any ideas how to get my members to you get members to engage more?
  6. Bawse

    General Which niche do you feel is overdone in the forum world?

    I don't give up regardless, and always believe with my ambition I'll prevail.
  7. Bawse

    Leadership Administrating while drunk (definitely not recommended)

    I smoke weed/poppers while I do anything lol. I don't drink as often, but I could afford to I'd drink everyday.
  8. Bawse

    Case Study What's the biggest forum you built from the ground up?

    What's the biggest forum that you started with no members? Did you merge with other forums to grow faster(increase members & posts)? My current poker forum is my largest forum. I just registered and I plan to start a poker webmaster forum, and try to...
  9. Bawse

    Another Admin Forum

    I've been a member for a little while @Shawn Gossman has a lot of good discussions for admins.
  10. Bawse

    Leadership Administrating while drunk (definitely not recommended)

    I drink while I use my forums. I'm a regular beer drinker.
  11. Bawse

    Poker Community - Online Poker Forum

    Poker coins have dropped to 7.77 coins in hopes of more players joining the password club, and our daily games on StockPoker. More info:
  12. Bawse

    Case Study Do your forum members use mobile?

    Do you use mobile when browsing forums? What about your users?
  13. Bawse

    Leadership Do you share all your admin knowledge?

    Do you share all your tricks you've learned as an admin with other admins trying to grow their communities?
  14. Bawse

    How well do you take criticism when it comes to your website?

    I take criticism pretty good. I appreciate feedback, even negative feedback. It pushes me to do better, and I know when others are hating/jealous. People will always complain, you can't please everyone.
  15. Bawse

    Moderation Merging vs locking threads

    Probably merge it depends on what's being discussed. I lock threads on my forums too that are no longer relevant such as promotions.
  16. Bawse

    Advice What is the minimum investment need to start a forum?

    I wouldn't use a free forum host, because if you ever grow to the point where to want to move to a self hosted forum, you won't be able to grab the database(I think).
  17. Bawse

    My 101st

    Congrats I just hit 100 posts before the new year aswell. This is my 110th post.
  18. Bawse

    Do you own any .community forums?

    Its definitely more expensive, but it's worth it for me since I got a 1 keyword domain name specific to what my community/niche is about. It costed me $90 to register my domain. Renewal is about the same, maybe I can get a coupon with Namecheap when it's time for renewal. 😂
  19. Bawse

    General 2025 Forum Goals

    Any specific milestones you'd like to achieve for your forum in 2025?
  20. Bawse

    Advice What is the minimum investment need to start a forum?

    Zero. You can start a forum without a investment. I did, and I started investing as I improved my site/forum. Either way it takes a lot of time, and dedication to start up a community. Maybe at least $200 for a Xenforo license. I wouldn't start over with a free software.