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Moderation Merging vs locking threads

For topics focused on managing moderators and handling community issues.


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Hello all,

Thought I'd make a thread to share one of my own personal tips from many years of running a successful forum, with relatively few moderation issues in comparison and a generally happy memberbase.

So, a member posts a new thread, but there's just one problem - they've posted a thread on a topic that's already being discussed elsewhere, potentially multiple times. In such a situation, many moderators or admins resort to locking the newer thread, and directing the member to the existing thread.

Why do I consider this to be (generally) bad practice?

Simply put, taking moderation action like this against members feels punitive in nature, despite your best intentions and despite what you may say in the post you make when locking the thread. A member seeing the thread they took time (however little) to make being locked is discouraging, and is more likely to dissuade them from posting another thread or adding another contribution in the future.

OK fdk, that means sense. But what's the alternative? Just let all these threads pile up?

No, absolutely not! Take advantage of the "merge" feature that is built into all (if not almost all) major forum software packages. Instead of locking the newer thread, merge the thread into the existing thread. Perhaps consider leaving a temporary redirect in place in case the poster of the newer thread goes back to look for it. Alternatively, consider sending them a PM informing them gently that there was already a topic about what they posted on, so you've merged the topics together, and send them a link.

In my experience, this greatly increases the chance the member will continue to contribute to your forum, it greatly reduces the chance they will be unhappy with moderation action taken on their post, and while it may be just a few extra seconds work for your moderator/admin team, it's absolutely worth keeping your memberbase happy in my opinion!

Please feel free to share your own thoughts, and look out for more short fdk topical tips in the future. :)
I think merging is a great idea, as well. It's way more positive than hitting the lock button. If I made a post and it got locked, I'd almost feel embarrassed by it, and that might scare me away from posting in the future.
Merging the new thread with the existing discussion is also my preferred approach, rather than locking the new thread created by a member.

Locking a thread can feel discouraging, especially for new members who may not realize the topic is already being discussed. By merging the threads and sending a polite PM to inform the member, it creates a more welcoming environment and encourages further participation.
I think more forums should use the merge feature rather than locking threads that already exist. If a new member sees that their thread has been locked and was redirected to the existing thread, they could feel hesitant to post on your forum.
I used to be a member of one particular forum that was rather large and was notorious for locking absolutely hundreds of new threads made every week because they were so-called "duplicate" topics... never mind the fact that sometimes they had 10-20 posts of discussion in them before a moderator got around to locking them. Always used to really confuse me, so I'm glad to hear not all admins/mods think that way!
This depends on several factors. If there is a thread where somebody asked about solving some problem before (a year ago), and somebody asks the same thing but with some twist in there, I can't just merge it because it's a unique problem (even tough similar). And even if I merge it, the issue is that old members don't know where is the start of the new question there. It can be 10 pages topic, where the heck is the new question?
Yeah, merging is my preferred choice, for exactly that reason.

There are exceptions, of course: for example, if it's a forum game, then I can't really merge the threads without breaking the flow of the existing game. But if there's no good reason not to merge, then I will.
Probably merge it depends on what's being discussed. I lock threads on my forums too that are no longer relevant such as promotions.
Honestly I don't like doing either. I dont like locking, for the same reasons above. It just comes across as juvenile when the poster was not aware of the original thread.

And merging can potentially cause context breakage in a thread, and inadvertently add unecessary redundancy or confusion.
So, a member posts a new thread, but there's just one problem - they've posted a thread on a topic that's already being discussed elsewhere, potentially multiple times.

Thats only "a problem" if you decide to make it into one.

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