If you don't frequently develop WP websites for clients or make (enough) money from your own websites, you may find that the prices of plugins and themes for WordPress can be quite high for what you use them for, whether you opt for an annual or lifetime license. However, with this installation and activation service, you can help lower the initial and/or maintenance costs of your WordPress site(s).
Payments are made through PayPal.
Bricks Builder installation & activation
Lifetime updates included
Get Bricks Builder, one of the most innovative and powerful website builders available right now, installed on your Wordpress website.
It is fast and it will give you the cleanest code output of all current builders. Bricks will be activated with a legitimately purchased LTD license, which means that it will not expire and you will be able to update the files files right from your WP dashboard.
Who is Bricks for?
Bricks is more or less aimed at more advanced users and it will greatly benefit you if you have experience coding webpages by hand, as well as at least a basic understanding of how WordPress functions work. If you know how to write PHP, you will love how you can insert PHP code right into the editor. It is very developer-friendly. A good use case for Bricks? You designed something in Figma and you wish to turn this design into a fast, clean WordPress theme.
However, if you're not experienced with builders/development, you will still be able to build websites using this builder.
Price: $15
ACF Pro installation & activation
Lifetime updates included
Who uses WordPress and has never heard of ACF Pro? If you're a WP developer, you'll definitely want to have ACF Pro! It makes creating custom fields an absolute breeze, along with some other useful features. ACF Pro will be installed with a legitimately purchased LTD license (which, by the way, cannot be purchased anymore since 2020!).
Price: $15
Bricks + ACF Pro installation & activation
Lifetime updates included
Would you like to get both? Then there is a small discount.
Price: $25
Please note that I will not provide you with the activation key(s) (selling the keys is not allowed). This is an installation service (which is what you're paying for, along with the activation key) and I will manually enter the key(s). I suggest creating a temporary admin account.

Payments are made through PayPal.
Bricks Builder installation & activation
Lifetime updates included
Get Bricks Builder, one of the most innovative and powerful website builders available right now, installed on your Wordpress website.

Who is Bricks for?
Bricks is more or less aimed at more advanced users and it will greatly benefit you if you have experience coding webpages by hand, as well as at least a basic understanding of how WordPress functions work. If you know how to write PHP, you will love how you can insert PHP code right into the editor. It is very developer-friendly. A good use case for Bricks? You designed something in Figma and you wish to turn this design into a fast, clean WordPress theme.
However, if you're not experienced with builders/development, you will still be able to build websites using this builder.

Price: $15
ACF Pro installation & activation
Lifetime updates included
Who uses WordPress and has never heard of ACF Pro? If you're a WP developer, you'll definitely want to have ACF Pro! It makes creating custom fields an absolute breeze, along with some other useful features. ACF Pro will be installed with a legitimately purchased LTD license (which, by the way, cannot be purchased anymore since 2020!).
Price: $15
Bricks + ACF Pro installation & activation
Lifetime updates included
Would you like to get both? Then there is a small discount.

Price: $25
Please note that I will not provide you with the activation key(s) (selling the keys is not allowed). This is an installation service (which is what you're paying for, along with the activation key) and I will manually enter the key(s). I suggest creating a temporary admin account.