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Why did you start using forums?


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Administrata Pro
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I started using forums as a means to trade Yu-Gi-Oh cards. I'm still using them two decades later, but more for the webmaster, coding, and discussion aspect.
I was trying to find information on a game I was playing (Harvest Moon), and the website I found had a community forum attached to it. Been on 'em ever since :P
I started when I learned about domain investing, and the secondary market just so happened to be the strongest on forums.
I was trying to find information on a game I was playing (Harvest Moon), and the website I found had a community forum attached to it. Been on 'em ever since :P
I remember Harvest Moon Ivy that you owned. Was awesome to see new skins every time.
I didn't know at the time, but the first forum I joined would eventually, one day, belong to me. It was a previous iteration of Paranormalis. Back then, it was called TPN: The Paranormal Network. I joined because I wanted to join various discussions about time travel theories and whatnot.

Here's what it looked like, back in 2005. Man, that old style felt good. vBulletin 3 Forever baby!

Back in the late 90s it was the only place to find out information on Amiga emulation (which was just getting going then), and Reddit/social media didn’t exist to ask around and share ideas and thoughts.

Later I got into running a forum for a piece of software we were developing (because GitHub didn’t exist yet and SourceForge had a lot of odd restrictions at the time), and the rest is, as they say, history.
I started using forums as a means to trade Yu-Gi-Oh cards. I'm still using them two decades later, but more for the webmaster, coding, and discussion aspect.
Same here! My first introduction to forums was through Yu-Gi-Oh! trading card forums, which eventually led me to explore more forums. Later on, I got into clan forums for games like No One Lives Forever and Soldier of Fortune around 2003-2004. That era of gaming communities was just so immersive.

From there, I became really interested in creating forums myself. I started with phpBB, but since discovering InvisionFree, I quickly switched over and got into building forums there. In the beginning, I’d actually copy layouts and designs from forums I admired - it was my way of learning, though I didn’t quite realize it wasn’t the most original approach! Over time, though, that phase taught me a lot about forum structure, design, and eventually developing my own style. I always been fortunate that I've been able to build forums with some pretty awesome people. I dare to say that we were in a group where everyone knew who we were. And that definitely helped launching some forums.

Even today, I see old names from back in the day (such as @Bluezone777, @Cory, @SarahKik, etc.) that are incredibly great people to know and know most of my online adventures.
My first forum (phpBB1 and then soon after v2 after it got released) was about gothic culture. Please don't laugh. I was a weird teenager. LOL.

I can't even remember what it was called. But I remember the phpBB2 theme was really cool.

I also made a forum about WebTV tricks and secrets. But once I upgraded to an actual computer, I didn't stick with it for too long.
Same here! My first introduction to forums was through Yu-Gi-Oh! trading card forums, which eventually led me to explore more forums.
It's pretty neat that we got into forums the same way. For all we know we crossed paths on a Yu-Gi-Oh forum before we started engaging on Zathyus Networks. The World Wide Web is huge, but like in real life, sometimes "it's a small world after all".

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