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Delegation What tasks do you reserve for yourself?

For advice on sharing responsibilities with staff or volunteers.


Content Specialist
Content Team
Rating - 0%
I'm interested to know if there's any particular tasks you like to reserve for yourself as an administrator, or anything you instruct/prefer your moderators to not do?

Whether it be certain moderation options, only allowing your mods to warn members and not ban them, or something else entirely, I want to hear about what, as an admin, you like to reserve control over!
On one site I wanted full control over the reports and didn't want anyone else touching them. It's because I had a protocol that I wanted to follow and it's hard to train people to think like I do, especially when staff come and go so quickly most of the time.

Delegating a lot of other duties is actually a good habit to get into! It shows staff that you value them when you allow them to do the things that you hold dear or hold as important.
I like to keep the styling and templates. On one forum that had multiple admins with access, alot of cross-editing was happening.
I prefer to be the judge as to whether someone is banned or not instead of restricted. It can be a tough decision, but as the board owner, I feel I must be the sheriff and not the police officer.
Considering I have lots of free time, I do all the tasks. I don't need moderators, nor helpers. I know lots of people tend to desire this positions for whatever the reason it is, but I don't feel comfortable giving it for a simple reason I can moderate everything, and because I have a better insight in what is allowed and what is not. They might have friends among some members so they could be softer towards them, while I am not.
I like to create new subforums, on Gex Forums my co admin takes care of the theme stuff since he's more familiar with that. On Thee Zone I delete and lock threads since I don't have moderators. I do have a co admin, though she's not too active and she did help bring some new ideas to the forum.
When it comes down to it i usually have the final say but we do communicate as a team.

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