Seberapa sering Anda menonton film? Film apa yang menjadi favorit Anda?
Yah, saya suka menonton film, tapi sayangnya saya tidak punya waktu untuk menontonnya terlalu sering. Beberapa film favorit saya adalah:
Aroma Seorang Wanita
Seekor Burung Terbang di Atas Sarang Burung Kukuk
Jam Jingga
8 1/2 (Bagian Setengah)
Bulan Pahit
Perhaps one of my best films is '12 Angry Men.' It is amazing how this whole movie takes part in a single room and all they do is talk, but yet it is one of the most captivating and exciting films I have ever watched.
The Godfather is a sophisticated depiction of the relationship between the mafia and the state, the complexity of global health issues, and the division between law enforcement and criminal activity.
How often do you watch movies, what are your favorite movies?
Well, I like watching movies but sadly I don't get time to watch them too frequently. Some of my favorite movies are:
Scent of a Woman
One Flew Over the Cuckoo Nest
Clockwork Orange
8 1/2 (Eight and Half)
Bitter Moon
I really like watching movies during holidays and sometimes I spend time just watching movies that I like, for sure this year's movies in my opinion there are some that I like, maybe I can't mention the titles but the good genres right now are probably horror, adventure, and also action.
How often do you watch movies, what are your favorite movies?
Well, I like watching movies but sadly I don't get time to watch them too frequently. Some of my favorite movies are:
Scent of a Woman
One Flew Over the Cuckoo Nest
Clockwork Orange
8 1/2 (Eight and Half)
Bitter Moon
How often do you watch movies, what are your favorite movies?
Well, I like watching movies but sadly I don't get time to watch them too frequently. Some of my favorite movies are:
Scent of a Woman
One Flew Over the Cuckoo Nest
Clockwork Orange
8 1/2 (Eight and Half)
Bitter Moon
I love watching movies ,infact I spend the whole day watching movies while popping popcorn's or some other junks...
my favorite movies/series are
Lord of the Rings
Prison Break
Game of Thrones