You forgot one; building actual projects. I was stuck doing/following tutorials until I started creating projects on my own. I noticed that my learning accelerated after that.
The process of coming up with project ideas, planning, making mistakes, debugging, learning from these mistakes, and continuing did more for them than simply learning the material through tutorials and videos.
You forgot one; building actual projects. I was stuck doing/following tutorials until I started creating projects on my own. I noticed that my learning accelerated after that.
I feel this way about learning JavaScript. The more I dived into trying to create codes myself, the more I grew accustomed to coding with the language.
I will say that sticking to one learning resource instead of trying to use multiple resources at once can help you focus better and become less confusing.
You forgot one; building actual projects. I was stuck doing/following tutorials until I started creating projects on my own. I noticed that my learning accelerated after that.
The process of coming up with project ideas, planning, making mistakes, debugging, learning from these mistakes, and continuing did more for them than simply learning the material through tutorials and videos.
Tutorials and videos can only take you far but by working on projects, you’ll definitely develop problem-solving skills and also learn how to debug and retain information better.
It depends on the context, but for newbies, I would suggest focusing on options that offer clear guidance, simplicity, and hands-on learning. Multiple tools or strategies can work well if they are easy to understand and implement.
I started with self learning. I made use of solo learn to acquaint myself with the basics of programming before taking on accredited courses. Gradually, I made progress.
Tutorials and videos can only take you far but by working on projects, you’ll definitely develop problem-solving skills and also learn how to debug and retain information better.
The best ways to learn programming are through hands-on practice, building real projects, and consistently solving coding challenges. Pair this with studying online tutorials, courses, and reading documentation to deepen your understanding.
maybe it can be started by trying to type sample code as it is then try to run/compile it and see the output, then start to modify it little by little and see the results again, do this continuously until we can understand how a syntax/code works. the point is that programming cannot be separated from trial and error process continuously.
Best way in my opinion if you have the finances is to attend a college or university course where you can be tutored and guided. If you don’t have the budget, learning at home is just as good. Focus on interactive YouTube videos, articles and interactive content. Remember practise makes perfect!