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General vBulletin 6 (1 Viewer)

For discussions that don't fit other prefixes.

Shawn Gossman

Community Enthusiast
Rating - 0%
Picked me up a license of vBulletin 6.

Last time I used VB was when 3.8 was in, a LONG time ago, lol.

It's different. Lots of settings. They call everything channels, whereas XF calls everything nodes.

So far, I like it. I don't like it as much or more than XenForo, but I'm not unhappy with my purchase.

Features include a forum of course, user blogs, articles, and social groups. Definitely fully-featured.

Is anyone else trying vBulletin 6 at all?
I literally have never installed a vBulletin forum. Need to do that sometime just to check it out, but I’d probably never build a community on it.
Picked me up a license of vBulletin 6.

Last time I used VB was when 3.8 was in, a LONG time ago, lol.

It's different. Lots of settings. They call everything channels, whereas XF calls everything nodes.

So far, I like it. I don't like it as much or more than XenForo, but I'm not unhappy with my purchase.

Features include a forum of course, user blogs, articles, and social groups. Definitely fully-featured.

Is anyone else trying vBulletin 6 at all?
I played around with their 7 day demo and kinda liked it. Looking forward to joining a forum running it
I have used vB in the past, but only vB5. I really dig your forum though @Shawn! I might try out vB6 and see if I like it enough to maybe use it for a future project I have in mind. Though this would be after I get enough money saved up.
Are you planning to use it anywhere? I wouldn't mind joining a community with vBulletin as the software.
I literally have never installed a vBulletin forum. Need to do that sometime just to check it out, but I’d probably never build a community on it.
I still have a vBulletin 4.2 license a friend let me borrow. Never heard from him again. I guess he knew vBulletin was doomed LOL I have "thought" about renewing my vB just to see what all the hype is about but I couldn't be bothered.
vBulletin was king taking over from UBB the original creator of the flat forum layout you see today. Until UBB everything was threaded using Matt Wright's wwwboard scripts.

With vb6 they are making a comeback.

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