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Tools Tracking Your Traffic

For recommendations or discussions about software or platforms that help with growth.


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Administrata Pro
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Do you use any method to track your traffic to see where your users are coming from?

I've considered Google Analytics, but I have way too much JavaScript on my board as it is.

I do, however, use the Google Search Console to see what keywords I'm getting impressions and clicks from.
I use the same tools as you do; Analytics and Search console. I also used to use SEMrush and Ahrefs when I was deep into SEO, but I used them for more keyword-adjacent tasks than traffic specific traffic origins. These days, I mostly stick to the free Google tools for my sites. They are more than adequate for what I need.
I use the same tools as you do; Analytics and Search console.
I don't use Analytics, but I considered using it. Due to the amount of JavaScript I already use on my board and the fact that I've been trying to do all I can to improve the performance of the forum, I think it's safe to say that adding additional third-party resources wouldn't be good for the performance of my board.
I think it's safe to say that adding additional third-party resources wouldn't be good for the performance of my board.
Unless you use Analytics to see where users are spending their most time so that you can focus on developing that out more.

There are huge advantages to getting to know how users use your site, and Analytics (apart from Cloudflare, which I'm not too certain of) is one way to understand what users on your site want alongside Google Search Console.

Google Search Console can tell you what they came for, but Analytics tells you what they stayed for, and for how long, giving you a better idea of what to focus on.
I had someone make up a "tracking info page" for me, where it came in the forum of a plain text document that showed how the new visitor found my forum, the URL that had landed them to it as well as their IP address.

Right now, I'm using Google Search Console for the very first time.
Right now, I'm using Google Search Console for the very first time.
I've been using it since it was Webmaster Tools.

It's very insightful, but much better with a layer of Analytics as you can see time spent on a page, their next move, etc. and essentially make a flow map of where one might go next on a new piece of content.
I really need a good guide on Analytics, it's confusing asf to me.
I switched from Google Analytics to CloudFlare Web Analytics earlier this year. GA just doesn't do it for me anymore, it's become way too big and complex. It was a chore to find key information...

I like what CloudFlare offers, even though it may be a little basic.
In addition, I rely on Bing Webmaster Tools:
Can you describe your experience with Bing's Webmaster Tools? How does it compare to Google Analytics? Or is it more like Google's Search Console?
Unless you use Analytics to see where users are spending their most time so that you can focus on developing that out more.

There are huge advantages to getting to know how users use your site, and Analytics (apart from Cloudflare, which I'm not too certain of) is one way to understand what users on your site want alongside Google Search Console.

Google Search Console can tell you what they came for, but Analytics tells you what they stayed for, and for how long, giving you a better idea of what to focus on.
Being concerned about performance, however, how large is the JavaScript file you add to your site for Analytics, and does it ever cause lagging?

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