I know I'll never be close to your level of expertise,
The only difference is time. I've been at this a while and circumstances fell in such a way that I found myself doing it full time - at a time when I had the capacity to spend time learning and refining.
HTML was much simpler in 1998 when I first tried it...

but honestly, the main difference isn't that I'm smarter but simply that I've been able to dump the time into it - and when I came to PHP it wasn't my first language, it wasn't even my first
server language, I'd done what we'd now call ASP Classic before that, and I wrote desktop apps before that. I still have a little desktop Hangman-style game I wrote in Visual Basic in 2001. (Incidentally it still works, sorta, in Windows 10. Haven't tried on 11. Probably breaks under the high-DPI screen displays of now though.)
jQuery was great when it first came about because browsers were janky and inconsistent about things like sizing and positioning (looking at you IE6) and AJAX was still way too annoying to do by hand when it was still ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") that we had to use because XMLHttpRequest wasn't yet standard. These days it's very convenient for some work but honestly the biggest thing to relearn
is AJAX, everything else is fairly straightforward. While some will advocate for axios, fetch is pretty standard now and after a fashion becomes fairly second nature to set up because syntactivally it's not
that different.
The thing about what Tyrsson and I talk about is that it kind of
is a different world, at least at first.
In the browser world, everything is event driven - you have the page, it has a DOM, and everything (give or take) is waiting for something to happen, and once that does, whether it's a keypress or a click or something else, you have an event listener that does something. Maybe it does some transformation of the DOM, maybe it fires off an AJAX call, which in itself fires off an event when it's done. The world persists in the meantime, within bounds.
In the server world, this is not really how it works. Yes, on some fundamental level, PHP is sat there waiting for an event - it's waiting for a browser to make a request, but at that point, everything might as well be entirely synchronous: we don't generally deal with callbacks and listeners in the same way, we think about the request being 'a request comes in, an answer is going to go out, and we're going to do a series of operations in the middle'. It is, for want of a better metaphor, a pipe. You set out what steps happen between the start and the end of the pipe and you have to remember that, by default, the world is a blank slate - the server doesn't, by default, know or care which user it is, it's just asked for a page and you have to give an answer. So we end up fiddling around concepts like cookies and sessions which are essentially grafts on top of HTTP for trying to remember who a user is because none of this was in the design, and we end up fiddling with databases for where we store the data in between the requests, and to serve 'the same thing to everyone'.
So it is fundamentally different on some level. But.... that said... the notion of a loop waiting for events is common to almost every area of computing (whether it's games, web, regular applications) - it's part of the circle of computing life: begin -> input -> process -> output -> feedback -> repeat. The only difference is how often that cycle happens, and what we accept as input, what we process and what we output.
Games do this in very tight cycles - reading input 60 times a second, updating the world according to its rules (and player input) and showing the output; applications like Word have the same loop but they don't need to
do anything most of those 60 times a second, as they only need to update when the user does something; web has the same cycle again but the chances that a user interaction has a change are even lower.
The slice that Tyrsson and I see is that we're usually responsible for handling the input -> process -> output part and the user does the feedback and repeat parts in the browser. And we come from an environment where it's been actively worked on for the last 25 years such that it has a series of conventions, common design wisdom etc. where we've all been refining as we go for the last 25 years (PHP, such as you could recognise it as PHP, arrived in 1999 or so)
Where all this is going is back to the start: programming is programming, we all do the same fundamental things - we sit and explain, patiently, to a computer what we want it to do and we let it go do that, very quickly. It's also one of the reasons that 'learn more languages' is always encouraged because as you do that, being able to see how everything is all really the same, just taking different slices through it, becomes that much easier.
I'm sure you'll get there if you want to get there. There's also so many resources out there to learn from. The thing about applying oneself is that this also applies to me - I've been struggling with procrastination and burnout lately and I'm beginning to understand what this really means, that it's a pain avoidance response, and that the questions to ask are 'what has it already cost you by not applying' / 'if you continued to not apply, what would it cost you' and 'what would it mean if you did'. It seems trite but those three questions, if looked at honestly and critically, can change your outlook - if you want them to.