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Keyword Research: Before Writing or After Writing


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You are required to do SEO if you are publishing online. One of the basic steps of SEO is keyword research. As a writer, how do you do keyword research, do you do before you sit to write your content, or do you do keyword research after you have written your content. What is your favorite way?
When writing, I always try to research keywords before I write so that I can add them to my work as I create it.

I used to wait until I had completed the work before I did any keyword research and I found that it was harder to implement after completing the work as opposed to adding them in along the way.
It's the best practice to do keyword research before writing. Understanding your target keywords will help you to craft content that will resonates with your audience.
I’m of the opinion that keyword research can be done both before and after writing because even after writing, you can re-evaluate your content to refine your keywords.
I completely agree with you! Conducting keyword research both before and after writing can be a very effective approach. But basically, I do it before writing. Of course, I understand that the initial research can guide your content strategy, the after research can also help optimize your work for better search engine ranking. Which ever ways it's done, result is guaranteed.
Both. I mostly research before writing, but I can pause to do additional research when writing and some more after I am done to better align the content with the preferred SEO outcome.
Both. I mostly research before writing, but I can pause to do additional research when writing and some more after I am done to better align the content with the preferred SEO outcome.
That's a great approach! I do keyword research before writing to create a good framework for my article, conducting research in the course of writing makes the article perfect and the keywords would have been used properly.
Keyword research can be conducted both before and after writing. Before writing, it can help you identify the most relevant and popular keywords to target in your content. After writing, it can help you identify any additional keywords that you may have missed and optimize your content for search engine optimization (SEO).
When it comes to SEO, if you don't take keywords research seriously, it's going to be very difficult for you to put out anything out there that's going to get any major hit with activities because the keywords that you used isn't what people are looking for.
When writing, I always try to research keywords before I write so that I can add them to my work as I create it.

I used to wait until I had completed the work before I did any keyword research and I found that it was harder to implement after completing the work as opposed to adding them in along the way.

This shows that you are good! Keyword research is crucial to improving on your writing skills. It helps guide you on what you are writing and that is one of the ways to discover what you are doing exactly.

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