Thanks Bluezone777, I appreciate that.To be fair, I don't think it would be likely that you would have caught this bug on a beta test board as you wouldn't think of loading it up with attachments to see if it would affect them. I guess it could have been worse so I would be thankful the loss was only enough to teach a lesson and not as damaging as it could be. You owned up to the mistake, explained what happened, made a honest effort to rectify it and took full accountability for what happened.
You may not have planned on doing it but you gave a clear cut example of how to best respond to an admin screw up and showed your community an example of your leadership ability and character. Even in a negative, there is a positive waiting to be found that can benefit both you and others more in the long run then what could come from this add on.
I am working with the developer on improvements, and after some good thorough testing on a dev site, I will likely bring back this feature soon.