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How long have you been a freelancer?


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How long have you been a freelancer? What originally got you started as a freelancer? Are you working as a freelancer full-time or part-time?
I have been a freelancer now for 12 years, taking a small break between 2017 - 2022 to take on another venture before coming back to freelancing in October of 2022 and working full-time as a freelancer since then.

It's been a journey over the last year and a half but I have enjoyed my work.
I started my journey as an online freelancer in 2008. I ventured into the field of blogging on my personal websites. My travel-related website brought in a decent income. However, unfortunate personal circumstances led to the oversight of renewing my websites. Consequently, I transitioned to pursuing opportunities as a content writer. Initially, I acquired a client from within my country and dedicated over a year to working with her. Over time, I explored different freelancing platforms and successfully secured some foreign clients. Despite occasional monotony, I persist as a full-time online freelancer due to my inability to work outside the home because of a chronic condition.
I've been freelancing for over 5 years now, and it's been a good journey for me. In the process, I've learned so much about myself, my skills, and the industry that i'm in. I've also have my fair share of ups and downs too.
I'm not freelancing now, but I did for a bit, and it was part-time.

I got into it after working with others on a project which led to some gigs.
I've been freelancing for about 2 years. I won’t say I'm there yet because I'm still learning the ropes. It's so amazing how much one can grow and adapt in such a short time. To be honest, I'm so excited to see what the future holds. In freelancing, I'm still discovering new things each day because experience is key. One important thing is to ensure that you’re open to new opportunities and keep learning as well.
I've been a freelancer since 2019, at first, I started doing small jobs in all the places that offered some money, no matter how little, while I was learning I decided to dedicate myself almost exclusively to writing or moderation services, although I plan to continue evolving.
I entered freelance writing about 3 years ago. I started with specializing on writing book reviews. And then, I moved into mainstream writing few months after. It has really been an incredible journey as a freelancer. Got scammed, built valuable relationships, learned a lot and I am still here 3 years later still freelancing. I have really enjoyed my career path as a freelancer.
I started during the Covid lockdown, 2020. I was home and there was burying much to do. So I surfed the internet for possible job opportunities, I became a freelance from that day.
I’ve been a freelancer since the start of my teenage years. Of course now I’m older my English skill set is a lot better, which increases my employability as a freelancer due to the quality of my writing. As time goes on, my experience and portfolio will grow

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