Team Building How Active is Your forum’s Staff?

For discussions on building and managing a staff team.


Rookie Contributor
Community Moderator
How active is your forum’s staff? This includes tasks like replying to threads, starting discussions, interacting with members, or handling moderation duties.

1) In your opinion, how important is it for staff to stay active and consistently engage with the community? Can a forum thrive without active staff participation?
2) Do you believe a warm welcome from staff can positively impact new members’ experience and encourage them to stay active?
3) What level of activity do you think is ideal for staff members to maintain on a forum?
4) Is there one staff member who handles most of the activity and moderation? If so, how does this dynamic impact the rest of the team?
5) Do you reward staff based on their activity levels, or do all staff members receive equal recognition regardless of how active they are?
6) On a scale from 1 to 10, how would you rate your staff’s current level of activity? Why?

Feel free to share your thoughts and personal experiences!
1) In your opinion, how important is it for staff to stay active and consistently engage with the community? Can a forum thrive without active staff participation?
It's crucial to have a dedicated staff who genuinely love your community and are motivated by passion, not obligation. Member engagement is difficult to sustain if the staff themselves aren't active and setting a positive example.

2) Do you believe a warm welcome from staff can positively impact new members’ experience and encourage them to stay active?
Absolutely. Welcoming new members should be a priority for staff. A friendly and personal greeting can make a big difference in helping new members feel at home. Don't let a new member feel ignored.

3) What level of activity do you think is ideal for staff members to maintain on a forum?
While staff members have lives outside the community, ideally, they should be active 5 out of 7 days and contribute a few posts per day, depending on the activity level of the community.

5) Do you reward staff based on their activity levels, or do all staff members receive equal recognition regardless of how active they are?
Equal recognition isn't always fair. It's important to acknowledge standout contributions individually. Giving shout-outs to those who go above and beyond can motivate others to step up their efforts.
Considering I'm a one-man show where my primary interest is forums, I'd say my forum staff (me) is very active. I've considered hiring more staff, but I think I can manage the forum on my own considering I have the knowledge to touch base with everything regarding the forum. If it weren't for my online friend, I would probably need to hire some graphic designers to help create skins, but she's always been reliable in helping provide graphics for the skins I code.