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Hiring website administrator

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Content Specialist
Content Team
Hello Administrata

I have recently got back into the online world of forums, websites & games. I have recently registered a domain name,, that I had initially planned to use for a text-based browser game I had planned. I have abandoned that project, realising my coding skills are not what they used to be, and rather than have the domain name and hosting go to waste, I'm interested in hiring somebody to create a website on the domain - whether it be a forum, blog, game, or something else, if you have a particular idea - I'm open to suggestions.

In return, I'm willing to offer a one-time payment for your time in setting up the website/project (rate to be negotiated), and additionally a profit-sharing model moving forward for your ongoing work in helping to maintain/update the site.

I'm open to making a payment via PayPal, or purchasing some credits to send as payment, we can negotiate those terms once we've settled on an idea and agreed a plan to move forward.

  • You should be 16+.
  • You should have experience in creating/administrating websites.
  • You should be confident in using FTP or cPanel to setup your website idea.
  • Your idea should be legal and follow UK law, as well as the law in whichever country you reside.

If you're interested in this opportunity, please reach out to me via PM. :)
Thanks to everybody who has contacted me so far, I've taken the time to reply to each of you individually. I'm going to leave this open for another day or two to give others a chance to get in touch. If you haven't already sent me an outline proposal and you're interested, please send me a brief proposal via PM. I'll choose somebody to work with and we'll negotiate terms before the weekend is up. :)
I've once again responded to anyone who's sent me PM's regarding this. There's been no agreement reached yet although some people have expressed an interest, so if this is something that interests you but you haven't contacted me yet, or you've contacted me but I've asked for some more details from you, please feel free to get in touch!

Ideally, I would like somebody to be beginning work on this project as soon as possible, and certainly before Christmas if at all possible, although I completely understand that somebody may want to take a break over the Christmas period itself. :)
I'm once again resurrecting this thread as I have realised my attempt at taking on this project myself is way above my head. Therefore I am still interested in hearing from anyone who fits the requirements in the first post of this thread and is interested in this project. :)
I have located the appropriate person for this project and am excited to see what the future brings, and excited to share it with you all at Administrata!

Thanks for the messages, closing this thread now.
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