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AMA Heyo!

This is my AMA! I’m ready to answer any questions you have about me, my experiences, or anything else you'd like to know. Feel free to ask away!


Rookie Contributor
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Hello, everyone! :cool:

I'm Daniel, but you can call me Dan, AIWA, HuskY~, d1ngell, Sentaité, Askendé, or any of my long and defunct list of forum handles that I can't remember either.

Foruming led me to learn graphic design, UI/UX, coding and web development, which eventually led me to pursue a B.Sc. degree in Computer Engineering, which I later dropped out of because I wanted to work.

I hope y'all are doing well! (y)

Feel free to ask any questions whatsoever
Hi Daniel. Welcome to Administrata! :D I saw your introduction on jCodes of course as we talked a little there. So, what brings you back and how have you managed to find some of us? :D
Hi, @Cedric! Thanks!

Well, I guess as the end of the year approached I found myself with some leisure (I'm single with no children yet 😅) and that led me to search for the old, 1.3 version of Invision Power Boards. Of course I knew the Jcink forum hosting for many years, but as "more dynamic (i.e. real-time chat)" communities (e.g. Facebook or Discord) rose to prominence roughly at the same time IF/ZB met its downfall, I expected most forum users to simply have moved on.

From time to time I wondered how my forum pals from the old days were faring, what they were doing, if they still live and whatnot. I didn't really think I would find other people clinging to the "old" IPB communities, despite the emotional value they might hold for some of us. It was a pleasant surprise to find that some of the spirit that once bestowed on InvisionFree/ZetaBoards lived on through Jcink. The Jcink Support Boards thus led me to jCodes, which of course brought me here. :giggle:
Awesome. Yeah I often think about our old friends too. And wonder if they’d ever think back or just browse online and find us. Just like you did! :P
@Cedric I understand that some of them probably have 3 kids to take care of :ROFLMAO: but I hope they manage to find you to say things worked out alright!

@Cpvr Hello! Thank you for the kind reception. I'm glad to be here! Seems like a very chill place :giggle:
@Cedric I understand that some of them probably have 3 kids to take care of :ROFLMAO: but I hope they manage to find you to say things worked out alright!

@Cpvr Hello! Thank you for the kind reception. I'm glad to be here! Seems like a very chill place :giggle:
Every now and then you see someone returning. Often they’d disappear again too. Will you be staying around or is it more out of nostalgia? 😃
@Cedric I understand that some of them probably have 3 kids to take care of :ROFLMAO: but I hope they manage to find you to say things worked out alright!

@Cpvr Hello! Thank you for the kind reception. I'm glad to be here! Seems like a very chill place :giggle:

You’re welcome! Have you been working on any new online projects lately? If so, feel free to share—I’d love to hear about them!
Yeah, @Cedric, mostly nostalgia and some expectation of eventually getting in touch with some familiar faces. Foruming hasn't been a habit of mine for a while, and my past experience says it can sometimes be difficult to conciliate online activity with life in general, particularly for those of us whose work isn't directly or indirectly related to forums. So, while I can't say I'll have the discipline to be a frequent and consistent poster, I'm enjoying my time around and am willing to chat.

@Cpvr Mhmm, nothing particularly impressive, but I recently got back to web development. I've been playing with front-end frameworks such as Vue.js (Site 1, Site 2), React (Site 1), Next.js (Site 1, Site 2), Astro and some animation libraries.

@Cloaked Hey there. That's very possible. Some of the IF/ZB forums I used to visit were the InvisionFree Support Boards, the IF Skin Zone, Forum Styles, Ravine Resource, Revision Reviews, Sign that Ad, Phantom Design, CLounge, Mokata, mostly between 2006 and 2010. I saw the rise of some later forums, such as the Outline Forum, but wasn't particularly active by then.

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