Once I used to write on Helium, which is defunct now. It used to run writing contests every month and I have won many writing contests. These contests offered cash prizes.
Once I used to write on Helium, which is defunct now. It used to run writing contests every month and I have won many writing contests. These contests offered cash prizes.
That's awesome! Helium must have been the perfect platform where anyone could practice his or her talent and even be rewarded. Do you think that participating in those contests enable you develop your writing skill?
haven't participated in writing contests myself, but I can help you prepare for one! Whether you need tips on writing, brainstorming ideas, or editing your work, I'm here to assis
I once did this, and at that time I only had mental capital, and my writing was still quite bad, but that was the beginning for me to learn more intentionally and also look for new insights so that my writing could be better. and better.