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Completed Golden Posting Package Please

Marks that the content request has been fulfilled and delivered.


Community Enthusiast
Community Moderator
Rating - 0%
Target Forum/Blog URL
Content Type
Forum Content
Forum Posts
20 Posts (200 Credits)
Forum Threads
5 Threads (100 Credits)
Forum Combination
5 Threads + 20 Posts: 250 Credits
Additional Notes
We would love if you could post threads and posts in the "Share Your Projects" "Risk and Safety" "How To" and the "Other AI Platforms"

We do not expect every post/thread be made in those sections but those are the sections we have the least amount of threads/posts in.

Thank you so much again, we appreciate you!
Hi there! I won a golden posting package (25 forum posts and 5 threads) through Deal or No Deal and I would like to go ahead and use prize please.

Thank you =)

P.S. Under forum posts there is no 25 so I just clicked 20

Thanks for placing an order with the Administrata Content Order Service!

Progress Update:
Threads: 5/5
Posts: 25/25

Nomad: 1/1Thread, 5/5Posts
Flower: 1/1 Thread, 5/5 Posts
Uptrendfinancialsignal: 1/1 Thread, 5/5 Posts
fdk1971: 1/1 Thread, 5/5 Posts
Cpvr: 1/1Thread, 5/5Posts​

We estimate your package to be completed by December 13, 2024.
Last edited by a moderator:
Hi @InMyOpinion

I have taken the last spot in your request and will be finishing up your order by the end of tomorrow. Our apologies that this package has taken a while to finish. :)


Your order has now been completed!
Thank you for using the Administrata Content Service. The credits for this order will be deducted from your account shortly.
We’d Love Your Feedback!
We hope you’re satisfied with your order! Once you’ve had a chance to review the completed package, we’d appreciate it if you could share your experience with our service. Your feedback helps us improve and continue supporting admins like you!
Got Questions?
If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reply to this thread or contact our team directly. We’re here to help!

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