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Do You Pester For Work


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After delivering the work, I ask the client if he wants to hire me again. If he says no, I don't communicate further. However, if I do not receive a reply for a couple of days, I again send another message. if this message is also not replied. I stop corresponding. I do not pester for work.
Consistently asking a client if they are open to hiring you again can be seen as invading their privacy. For that reason, I don't do that at all. I only focus on doing a good job, and if they find my work to be good, they can ask me to return to work again.
I think it’s okay if you ask once, but when you’re told no, accept it. Perhaps take the opportunity to ask for feedback and why that decision was taken. You can only learn from the feedback. But let them know you’re available for more work when required.
After delivering the final project to the customer I tend to let them know that it was pleasure working for them and hope to be able to help them in the future. Other than that I don't pester them. I feel like when people pester me to hire them I tend to blacklist them. I don't mind them telling me what their business is and how the can be of help to me but annoying me or constantly trying to get me to buy their products/services is annoying.
To me, it's a great approach as I do it too. Following up with clients after delivering work is completely reasonable, and asking if they need further assistance shows that you're interested in their success. There is no harm in that!

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