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Do you have someone else proofread your work before you publish it?

I proof and edit my work myself. However, I have let an editor. Heck my work before submitting. Sometimes I get compost in the work that I miss some things that are painfully obvious to other people.
Things like repeating phrases or wording sentences in a weird way. I mostly catch those, but an editor sometimes can catch more than you think
When I got orders for paid writing work through Iwriter, I would usually try to proofread the articles myself before publishing. There was no one I knew who would proofread the articles and I also could not afford to pay for the service.
When I got orders for paid writing work through Iwriter, I would usually try to proofread the articles myself before publishing. There was no one I knew who would proofread the articles and I also could not afford to pay for the service.
It is a good practice to self-edit, but using professional Editors will save the day as they bring new perspectives.
Sometimes when we go to write an article for a website you can get lost in your own work and it can be difficult to pinpoint any grammatical errors or spelling errors while double checking your work. Having another pair of eyes can help you when writing articles, remember you want your work to be as professional as possible. Your readers come to your website or blog to get information for the niche you're writing for. So I ask, do you have someone else proofreading your work before you publish it? Sometimes I have my wife help me when I write articles on my blog, just to double check and make sure my articles are easy to read and are free from spelling and grammatical errors.
Yes I do and I find it very helpful
Not at all, because I have the browser extension, Grammarly proofread my content. :D
I also make use of grammarly whenever I need to write articles for my clients and this is how AI should be used and not for copy paste.
Yes, I always have someone else proofread my work before I publish it. A fresh pair of eyes can help to catch errors that I may have missed. I believe that proofreading is an essential step in ensuring the quality and accuracy of my writing.
I usually proof read my own writing, and use the spellchecker to edit my errors. Sometimes, I do ask my friend to help me out with the SEO for some of the articles I do write.
Well, some years ago, I used to do this and it's my fellow guy who's also my work partner that I give the job to. He's always eager to help me go through everything just to make sure everything is in order.
I do proofread myself and it's not after I complete it and after some time so that I can easily find any umambiguity in the content.
I don’t understand why I would pay someone else to proof read my work. It doesn’t take that much time compared to the time writing the piece to read it back to yourself. You’ll be surprised how many grammatical errors you could find just by reading it back.

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