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Case Study Day 1 Forward- Something new

For real-world examples and success stories.
Great site!

The layout is nice and simple, the media gallery is a nice touch and the articles will be great once expanded upon. If I was going to make one criticism, it's that I would've perhaps added a bit more content in terms of more threads for people to want to sign up to reply to. Maybe you'll work on that after your short break. Overall, great job!
Thank you. TBH, I just basically threw some content up to fill spaces and test out. I haven't focused much on that at all, but that's what's next.
The niche is somewhat unique, meaning it's not an everyday niche you venture across. The simplicity of the layout is quite nice and allows you to dive straight into the content. The header image is also quite appealing. For a new forum, I give you an A+!
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The niche is somewhat unique, meaning it's not an everyday niche you venture across. The simplicity of the layout is quite nice and allows you to dive straight into the content. The header image is also quite appealing. For a new forum, I give you an A+!
Thank you! Yes it is a niche by all definitions. But that particular group has a great and dedicated following to the subject matter.

I designed the home page to direct traffic to their objectives. I don't want to confuse a guest visitor with a thousand links everywhere.

The navbar represents all 5 sections, and the home page reflects primarily subject matter subjects and minimal links to subject matter content, with site/member info on the sidebar.

Sometimes I feel I overthink things lol.
I have seen this niche tackled before but I think this is the most professional take I've seen yet.

The thing that I can't quite wrap my head around, as someone who is deeply, deeply cynical is whether this is more about popularising discussion for the purposes of legitmising or deconstructing what's been posted.
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I have seen this niche tackled before but I think this is the most professional take I've seen yet.

The thing that I can't quite wrap my head around, as someone who is deeply, deeply cynical is whether this is more about popularising discussion for the purposes of legitmising or deconstructing what's been posted.
Thank you.

Obviously persons with no interest would not entertain themselves with visiting let alone joining. Maybe some.

I believe the site can cater to both deconstruct of the known and research, but legitimizing (or popularizing) discussion is typical and normal for a site like this. I think that can be said for many forums.

I don't expect I will be guiding members much in their posting style.
It can absolutely, but the reason I point it out is because I think I remember going to your site when you first posted and I remember seeing something about flat earth. (Correct me if I'm wrong but you seem to have cut that section now)

Something like that is an area of discussion my natural instinct is simply to deconstruct with the full weight of my knowledge, because there is no basis to it (much as the moon landing happened, it's beyond dispute), and in my mind no good comes of even giving air time to the debate of those topics unless that air time is deconstruction.
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No, I completely agree.

The flat earth post?... I will have to check if i posted something like that, I do not recall that specifically.

But if a member wishes to post something rather outrageous to the subject matter, the community can respond if they wish.

If it is outside the subject matter focus, it gets moved to the Lounge, or the appropriate forum.
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Today I added a couple usergroups with promotion enabled.
A few feature enhancements for members are added to each one.
Decided to add something minimal for members that may lead to an element of entertainment to those that wish to patronize it, when completed.
Of course it is behind a registration wall. ;)


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