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Besides forums: what other websites have you managed/owned?


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In the past, I’ve run multiple MySpace fansites, along with proxy directories and a blog for games. But what other types of websites have you managed/owned?

My MySpace fansites had a variety of graphics and layouts that users could apply to their profiles. My proxy directories also featured links to proxies, allowing users to access MySpace and similar sites.

I also ran a games directory (not on a forum) that included a comment system.

My old myspace fansite can be viewed on the wayback machine:

What other websites have you owned?
Sites I've owned - at one point I had a search engine for online comics that I designed and built from scratch, but it took far too much effort to maintain because of how detailed the transcriptions were (with permission, I might add). Other highlights include the travel blog me and my buddy did on our 7200 mile road trip, the tech demo we did for a browser-based MMO game back in 2010 when this was an interesting technical challenge (we ran into gameplay design issues rather than technical ones), and at one time a storefront for a paid SMF gallery mod (later made the thing free). I also have a gallery of SMF themes through the ages as a design/inspiration reference.

Sites I've managed is a different and actually far more interesting question. I have managed some cool things over the years - white label SaaS apps that had logos and domains with things like Microsoft, Adobe and Xerox in them. (Good fun arguing with the registry when you're registering a domain name with the word Adobe and you end up having to provide documentary evidence that you are legitimately doing this on behalf of Adobe for example)

I've also managed LMSes - learning management systems - for some of the largest UK universities as well as one of the agencies of the United Nations. I've even presented at conferences based on the things I learned and built for them.

I've also recently finished up the dev cycle on a business marketplace in the UK that is not only the recommended go-to for its kind, but is quite possibly likely to be the only one of its kind for the entire market in the country, up to and including being recommended by the government department overseeing the legislation that necessitated its creation, owing to the fact the government made legislation and only discovered at the eleventh hour how difficult it was to actually comply. I'd give more details but that would open out a lot more personal information about me than I really want to give here.
Aside from the design part, I could build a website with enough inspiration and motivation behind the wheel. But alas, I have never owned a website. I've always run forums and haven't needed to build a website unless I wanted to try and profit from it. The closest thing I've made to a website is a basic portfolio to display my coding expertise and information to try and find a job.
Too many to list that I've owned, LOL.


4 blogs

10 forums

4 business directories

2 events directories

Multiple FB groups

I use to power most of my static websites. I have a few of them, as well.

This all sounds like a lot but about 5-10 years ago, I had WAY more.
I've owned a few blogs throughout the years but I never really kept up with them. I also own a Facebook group too. It's a fan group for one of my favorite Youtubers, but I've noticed the activity has died down quite a bit. I never joined the Discord server that someone in my group made, so maybe the activity is over there I'm not sure.
I tried my hand at running a blog once. It didn't last for more than a month or two. I also was an admin (although I didn't own it) on a text-based game for a while as a teenager. Other than that, I've had a couple of static websites, and a gaming website that I was running as a referral site to a semi-popular game with paid upgrades that I made a few hundred dollars from years ago.

Other than these, it's been all forums for me.

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