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Another Admin Forum

Another Admin Forum updates:

  1. Our Forum of the Month and Referral contest are still going on (with cash prizes)!
  2. We interviewed @Cedric and made a post about it. Go check it out.
Please consider joining. We'd love to have you aboard!
Another Admin Forum updates:

  1. Out Forum of the Month contest is in voting status.
  2. We'll be launching the second Forum of the Month contest on December 1. It will still include a cash prize but I'll be adding a generous posting package onto the prize roster. Each contest each month will get more prizes added :)
  3. We have some more cool interviews to check out
Thanks for reading my update. I hope to see you on the forum soon!
Another Admin Forum update:

We've launched our biggest contest yet with cash prizes on every winning tier PLUS more!

The contest is simple. Decorate your forum for the holidays and win!

Learn all about it:
Another Admin Forum update:

We've launched our biggest contest yet with cash prizes on every winning tier PLUS more!

The contest is simple. Decorate your forum for the holidays and win!

Learn all about it:
Some great prizes I must add. Definitely worth a visit everyone. :)
AAF Updates:

1. Forum of the Month #2 is ongoing with great prizes.
2. The decoration contest is still going on and accepting entries.
3. We have tons of new topics to start posting to.

Hope to see you on AAF, folks!
Happy 2025 from AAF!

Our #3 Forum of the Month competition is in full swing. You can submit until the last week of January.

Prizes include a posting package from me, advertising, and even a cash prize.

Hope to see you there this year!
Another Admin Forum Updates:

Forum of the Month​

Our Forum of the Month competition is still ongoing. You still have time to enter to win. Winners get:
  • $25 in cash
  • A month of advertising on the top of the forum and my signature
  • A generous posting package from me

Blogging Collective Merges with AAF​

My blogging forum, Blogging Collective has successfully been merged with Another Admin Forum. I decided to merge it because the blogging topic can go with the forum admin topic pretty seamlessly. Now there is a full board dedicated to blogging with three additional sub-boards, one being a Blog Showcase where you can advertise your blog.

Forum Stats:​

  • 1,000+ topics
  • 4,000+ posts
  • 60+ members
  • 80+ articles
Come join us!
The merge was the right thing to do. Glad it worked out! I’ll be hopping on later when I’m no more sick. 🤧
AAF Updates:

Since the merge of Blogging Collective into AAF, we've not had any problems with that.

I'm happy to report daily posts and ongoing discussions.

Our Forum of the Month competition is still going on. Submit your forum for a chance to win money, advertising, and free posts each month!

Come join the fun if you haven't joined yet :)

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