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  1. ken_gitahi

    For New Authors: Use Your Real name or a Pen Name?

    Imagine you are a new and unpublished author trying to decide whether to use your real name or a pen name for your self-published works. Which one do you choose? There's no universally correct choice here, as it depends on your personal circumstances. If you use your real name, you openly...
  2. ken_gitahi

    Top Websites in the US by Traffic [August 2024]

    Facebook is now full of AI slop and scams, so I think the site is just riding on highs from the past. I would not be surprised to see it fall a few more places over the next year as more people realize this and its user base becomes older and less active.
  3. ken_gitahi

    General When is it appropriate to send a mass email to your members?

    I will go a different route and discuss not what to use such mass emails for. I don't think there is any value in letting members know about new skins or minor updates. While these improve the forum and even provide a better experience for when they visit next, they may not justify a mass email...
  4. ken_gitahi

    SEO The Share an SEO Tip Thread.

    This is for a site I was working on, not a community. Long-tail keywords. Google's "People Also Ask" feature and related searches has been a gold-mine for uncovering long-tail keywords as well as new topics to write about. Because people are already asking these questions, I know there is...
  5. ken_gitahi

    DOJ indicates it’s considering Google breakup following monopoly ruling

    This is exactly what I am saying! Google has done so much good, has supported companies and developers, has arguably led to a better internet, but they have done so much evil that it is hard to keep rooting for them even if their failure would be disastrous.
  6. ken_gitahi

    Favorite music genres?

    I listen to a wide variety of music depending on what I am doing. Jazz and RnB for reading, reggae and alternative rock for working, and African rhumba for relaxing.
  7. ken_gitahi

    Do you have a gaming computer

    I have an HP laptop that can game and a desktop that can only play non-demanding games. So, no. I do not have a gaming computer. As for a prebuilt or building one, I think building is the better option. You get to make your computer truly yours because you are not limited to someone else's...
  8. ken_gitahi

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

    Happy Thanksgiving!
  9. ken_gitahi

    What hosting do you prefer to use?

    It depends. I have free hosting, shared hosting, and VPS hosting for different needs. For some personal projects and proofs of concept, I use the free hosting. For most of my client work, I use shared hosting. Most people and businesses are more than happy with what a good shared hosting...
  10. ken_gitahi

    How do you market yourself as a writer outside of platforms like Upwork or Fiverr?

    A portfolio and LinkedIn. A portfolio not only showcases my work, but it is also something I can point to when clients ask if I have worked in a specific niche or done specific types of writing. LinkedIn is a place to curate your writing, engage with other writers, and in writing communities...
  11. ken_gitahi

    Do you sometimes get tired and stressed out while coding?

    Do something that engages a different part of your brain. Coding is a creative endeavour, and the monotony is what leads to stress and feeling weary. Do something that engages a different part of the body and mind. If you cannot do this, take a nap. I find that it always helps when I am having...
  12. ken_gitahi

    How to get clients consistently?

    Put your work in front of as many people as possible. Design is visual and if people cannot see what you can create, no one is going to hire you. Also, doing this create an online presence for you so it gets much easier for people to find you and your work over time the more work you put out...
  13. ken_gitahi

    Tools Tracking Your Traffic

    I use the same tools as you do; Analytics and Search console. I also used to use SEMrush and Ahrefs when I was deep into SEO, but I used them for more keyword-adjacent tasks than traffic specific traffic origins. These days, I mostly stick to the free Google tools for my sites. They are more...
  14. ken_gitahi

    Hurricane in Florida

    Ah, come on! When did people become this way? How powerful do they think the government is? A government that cannot balance a budget suddenly has the power to control two hurricanes over an entire ocean?
  15. ken_gitahi

    What was the first thing you designed?

    The first was a poster for an affiliate who was working with Dell at the time. We created flyers, banners, and other website design assets for their marketing campaigns. I also worked with a lot of political candidates in that era, and we created numerous campaign material for posters, roadside...
  16. ken_gitahi

    Why you used Grammarly

    For me, it's manly about typos and tone. I use Grammarly to catch typical spelling mistakes and then use its other features to ensure all content I write is in the right tone. This is especially important for matching my content to my audience and meeting client expectations.
  17. ken_gitahi

    What is the fastest way to make a business popular?

    Find a way to go viral and gain mind share. Both of this will ensure people think of your business, product or service first when they think of your category, niche or industry. Also, listen to your customers. People want to feel special, heard, and understood. You are much more likely to...
  18. ken_gitahi

    DOJ indicates it’s considering Google breakup following monopoly ruling

    From how evil Google has been over the last few years, they do deserve everything that is coming to them now. However, I do not want them to fail because I shudder to think what the internet would look like without Google.
  19. ken_gitahi

    Hurricane in Florida

    Two hurricanes back to back is like something out of a movie. From what I am seeing on social media and the news, things are bad, and I hope everyone comes out of this in the best shape possible.
  20. ken_gitahi

    Strategy Becoming a leader who builds engaging communities

    Modern leaders and material on leadership says that the days of leaders just directing are long gone. Instead, today's leadership is about connecting and helping others build strong connections. These days, according to experts, the true measure of a community leader is their ability to foster a...