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  1. Arantor

    I hate facebook alerts

    Their algorithm is working as designed. It was just never designed for our benefit.
  2. Arantor

    General Do you tend to join/avoid sites that use a certain forum software?

    On an even modestly-busy forum this can be a chore to find the thread(s) you were previously in, unless you had a way to get back to them directly... With the exception that nearly all the old school forums implement email alerts, for that exact reason: so you had a way to get back to them...
  3. Arantor

    General Do you tend to join/avoid sites that use a certain forum software?

    And that's the thing, you can invest a significant amount of DIY time and arrive at something... vaguely approaching what you get out of XF out of the box. The question becomes whether your time is worth the $195 price to get started or not.
  4. Arantor

    General Which niche do you feel is overdone in the forum world?

    Definitely video game and general chat - in spite of the latter being eaten mostly by social media. Surprising amount of sports forums out there, too. But this is a genre I have zero interest in personally so my view on it might be distorted in terms of how popular it seems.
  5. Arantor

    General Wordpress VS WP Engine

    Then there is literally no way to take the above Reddit as good news, because it isn’t.
  6. Arantor

    Ahrefs: web analytics

    If this is any good, it means I can start recommending it in favour of GA4 which means I can dump the cookies nonsense - one less reason to have a cookie banner.
  7. Arantor

    What advice would you give to someone looking to drive traffic to their website?

    When we say “maximising traffic” what is the desired outcome? More people who will potentially see the content or more people who will interact with the content? These two are not the same.
  8. Arantor

    General Wordpress VS WP Engine

    I get the sentiment but I would not be so quick to wish ill on the people this will really affect, which is a much larger and much more numerous group than you might realise. First up, WP’s demise would affect every user who just wants a small site to work, who does nothing more than install a...
  9. Arantor

    General Wordpress VS WP Engine

    The board is effectively him, but when this gets going, it’s really going to get cooking because the dealings of the Foundation have been implied to be Matt verging on lying to the IRS. Remember: Joker will happily go after anyone in Gotham, just to get Bats’ attention, but even he by his own...
  10. Arantor

    Do you offer a dark and light mode?

    I offer a light and a dark - if you're going to be spending long periods of time on a site, reading and writing, having something that works for you to discourage eye-strain and/or headaches can be important.
  11. Arantor

    Shit sandwich

    It's essentially a standard approach to delivering negative feedback - to also soften the blow by finding something good to talk about, and lets you frame the negative in a route-to-improvement way rather than just straight negativity.
  12. Arantor

    Merry Christmas!!!

    Merry Christmas - or whatever you may celebrate at this time of year !
  13. Arantor

    How well do you take criticism when it comes to your website?

    I find the worst criticism is the stuff that is just bashing for the sake of bashing, and then retroactively claimed or tried to justify itself as “constructive”. If it’s constructive criticism, it will include something actionable - something you can actually do - to improve it.
  14. Arantor

    General Wordpress VS WP Engine

    Oh Matt, you really are the gift that keeps on giving. So earlier in the week he called a shutdown on parts of - no new plugin reviews, no new theme reviews, limited support etc. citing that the maintainers deserve a holiday break. But this also came with an ominous note about...
  15. Arantor

    Customization Does a shoutbox kill a forum?

    No-one is suggesting that bad moderation/bad administration won't kill forums - it absolutely will. And I'm absolutely certain that some niches and forums will benefit from shoutboxes/chatboxes/etc, but I haven't seen anything to suggest this is common. I've seen far more anecdotal evidence...
  16. Arantor

    Design Does your forum's theme reflect its soul?

    Themes get updated from time to time, for one. For two, not all themes will play nicely with add-ons. This varies depending on what platform you do this on and what add-ons you have; it's less bad on XF than on other platforms.
  17. Arantor

    Don’t Ever Let Somebody Tell You You Can’t Do Something

    I don’t think it necessarily relies on divine intervention (I refuse to believe in such), but I will certainly go along with the notion that a vision can come along at the wrong time, or can be stymied by other factors outside of the visionary’s control. I would suggest that some of my missteps...
  18. Arantor

    Don’t Ever Let Somebody Tell You You Can’t Do Something

    I used to be this, but too many attempts and too many failures to reach even modest success are somewhat disheartening.
  19. Arantor

    Delegation What tasks do you reserve for yourself?

    The jobs no one else wants to do, banning, systems admin, etc.
  20. Arantor

    Design Does your forum's theme reflect its soul?

    The only downside to more themes is that it’s a higher maintenance burden - and likely as not your members will just use whatever the default is. This shouldn’t stop you, of course, just you should be informed to make appropriate resourcing decisions.