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  1. Num7

    General FlatPress: A Database-less Alternative to WordPress

    I got paid in experience, not money! ;)
  2. Num7

    General FlatPress: A Database-less Alternative to WordPress

    Amid all the buzz about WPEngine vs WordPress, I thought I'd drop in and talk about a cool alternative: FlatPress. Unlike WordPress, FlatPress skips the whole database thing and uses flat files for storage instead. What does that mean for you? Speed and simplicity. Without a database to query...
  3. Num7

    Only 39 days until Christmas

    My God, time goes by so fast. Can't believe we're already half through October. Man... I remember when I was a kid, my parents kepts telling me that as you get older, time goes faster. I'm 37... Imagine being 90. Time must go by in an instant. An entire year must feel like 3 weeks or...
  4. Num7

    Growth Is Discord a good way to grow your forum community?

    Interesting. Let's ask ourselves this: Would you rather have this silly banter on your forum? That's a good question. Yes Discord, may mean less forum posts. But would these banter posts be quality posts? Probably not. So you're losing in quantity, but not in quality. Does that make sense?
  5. Num7

    General When is it appropriate to send a mass email to your members?

    Man, I haven't sent mass emails in years! Maybe it's time I send one. Last time I did, I used MailChimp. I think they had a 1000 recipient limit at that time, so I refined my email export. Has XenForo improved their mass email feature over the past couple of years?
  6. Num7

    What do you do as your job/career?

    I'm an IT Jack of all trades. Started as an IT technician. Then IT manager. Now I'm an IT analyst.
  7. Num7

    Growth Is Discord a good way to grow your forum community?

    Exactly this. Keyword is: NEXT TO. My site has a Discord. Not much in there outside of chit-chat and memes. Occasional, short on-topic exchanges. It's a great place to host chat events though, which is awesome. Discord doesn't hurt the forum. The way I see it, is that Discord is good for...
  8. Num7

    How much longer can Facebook stay relevant?

    Yeah, Telegram and WhatsApp are 2 great examples of contending DM apps. Both apps work great, but everyone I know is using Messenger. So I'm forced to use it too! That's too bad! There's also Discord, which has a whole different flavor. Gotta say though, it's probably the closest (IMO) to MSN...
  9. Num7

    How much longer can Facebook stay relevant?

    Where I live, most people are on Facebook. Especially adults and retired people. (Teenagers don't use it as much it seems) And it's an absolute shithole. It's unbelievable how rude and retarded people are on there. No matter what you're looking at, don't open the comment section, man. You're...
  10. Num7

    General What features do forums lack?

    I wish XenForo had a proper static page editor. That has to be one of the only things I dislike. Their editor could be better, but they're integrating a new one in 2.4. I understand that a forum software isn't necessarily a content management platform. But since they already have static...
  11. Num7

    General Do you tend to join/avoid sites that use a certain forum software?

    I don't avoid any sites, but some forum softwares bother me more than others. For example, I'm not a big fan of phpBB. It simply doesn't feel as fluid and modern as most other forum softwares ou there, especially the paid ones.
  12. Num7

    Moderation Wheaton's Law

    Wow, that's an interesting site! I'm keeping it for later, I'll certainly check a couple of services and apps that I have in mind. TOS are a strange thing. They're full of weird stuff we automatically agree to on a whim. So odd.
  13. Num7

    Moderation Wheaton's Law

    This has to be the best TL;DR snippet you can start your forum rules with. It also comes in very handy if you're not sure how to moderate a situation, or if someone is dancing around the rules, trolling and being edgy. I wish forum rules weren't necessary. But they are... So I present to you...
  14. Num7


    This thread is for the general discussion of the item Paranormalis. Please add to the discussion here.
  15. Paranormalis


    Paranormalis Forum is a unique online community for enthusiasts of the paranormal, time travel, and conspiracy theories. The forum offers in-depth discussions on topics like time machines, alternate realities, and encounters with extraterrestrial beings. Members explore theories on ghosts, UFOs...
  16. Num7

    General What topics are off-limits on your community?

    Discussions about politics or religion often turn into all-out flame-wars. So these 2 subjects are watched closely. At some point (I think it was after Trump lost the 2020 election), I had to add a rule asking folks to avoid using political or religious arguments in discussions and debates...
  17. Num7

    It's me, Time Wizard Cosmo

    Hey man! Happy to see you here! :cool:
  18. Num7

    Hi, I'm Num7 of Paranormalis!

    @Cloaked Hey, so cool to run into you here! :) I've located your Paranormalis account and sent you a DM. 🤘
  19. Num7

    Tools Tracking Your Traffic

    I switched from Google Analytics to CloudFlare Web Analytics earlier this year. GA just doesn't do it for me anymore, it's become way too big and complex. It was a chore to find key information... I like what CloudFlare offers, even though it may be a little basic. Can you describe your...
  20. Num7

    AMA Hello Everyone!

    Hello there, welcome! :)