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  1. Agora merged into Administrata

    Exclusive or multiple sales?
  2. New Forum Type Xenforo

    Not being threaded on a separate page is the major drawback that I see. Having it show the nested replies when you click a "thread" on the same page makes all other threads on the node just... noise. You will have someone lost in that thread forever and all the other threads will be...
  3. Are you accepting Crypto payments

    All good advice. But, I'd be concerned with someone who has "no investment vehicles" (as that means they have only cash), because the age to collect SS might rise between now and then, along with the amount you receive reduced, as we are in a debt crisis and need to pay it somehow, so some...
  4. Are you accepting Crypto payments

    That's on you then. If you think a cost of living adjustment or raising your prices each year will allow for a better retirement along with cash only, unless you are already a millionaire (as I dont think 6 figures will cut it) you're going to be sadly mistaken while eating Top Ramen into...
  5. Are you accepting Crypto payments

    Then just invest in reputable ones like Bitcoin, ETH, and even Ripple (as they've been actively fighting in court). You can ignore the rest. The statement you made about ethics and sustainability could apply to practically any market, including the stock market, as there are OTC, and hedge...
  6. Are you accepting Crypto payments

    Riskier it is the more reward to have. Even $10 could've been 6 figures or more by now. I have $30,000 still in AMC and GME, with a high that I could've sold at nearly $200,000, but I chose to stay in because I'm of the opinion it's not done yet. All technical analysis points up, and with them...
  7. Are you accepting Crypto payments

    Lot of yall missed the boat. Had I not invested in shitcoins or followed John McAfee (of the anti-virus variety) into what I knew were pump and dumps — thinking I could dump — I'd have well over a million dollars, maybe 2, in monopoly money all from $0 cause I got free coin airdrops using my...
  8. Are you always lazy at night?

    I lose creativity, but my speed drastically increases in the later hours. So to compensate, I do the creative stuff in the early hours, or do the creative stuff that creates dull tasks that I can speedrun through later. Morning, all sorts of ideas, but I jump around too much and lose focus.
  9. Closed Community Wish List: Make your admin dreams come true!

    Denied. You're on the naughty list for stealing 30 strength from me. 😡 Wish: An appearance by @CedricV once a day throughout January, be it a thread or random post anywhere. 🤗
  10. Ever received a questionable PM?

    Ever received a questionable PM? Only ever from you. 🤭 "Curious"
  11. Heroel - A... project?

    I'm still on a hunger strike till I get my 30 strength back. You have till breakfast! I'm off to bed.
  12. Customization Does a shoutbox kill a forum?

    You could probably get creative with a chatbox that scans phrases against popular topics and have a note appear below the poster's comment (for them to see only) to a degree like: "Nobody's talking about X. Would you like to create a new thread to discuss it further?"
  13. Heroel - A... project?

    Damn. You fixed my exploit. I wrote "x" in Googe's console and just put an automated mouse clicker on refresh of ?method=get&stat=strength. I think I could've used JS to refresh it, but couldn't figure it out. The "x" was just so that the post confirmation window wouldn't come up without having...
  14. Customization Does a shoutbox kill a forum?

    You can "easily" adjust this by creating a thread "Chat Log" and posting a reply of the previous 20 messages on loop. At least then, it gets indexed and could bring some traffic.
  15. General Sacking of staff

    There will forever only be 1 admin (access to CP, and files/servers) and perhaps 1 part-time (in Japan, so I have legal precedence here too, and can work out issues 24/7) on my sites that I'm building. However, they'll be a W-2 or 1099 employee, so I'll have all the info I need, along with...
  16. General Annoying things about other forums

    Semi-fixed. You need to widen the text input (or decrease margins/padding around it) to bring the preview button up for a complete fix.
  17. Case Study Day 1 Forward- Something new

    Header image is nice on mobile, but I'd sticky the nav bar on mobile*. You lose the ability to navigate easily (and see DMs and alerts) while farther down the page without having to scroll up.
  18. General Suicide and Self-Harm Threats

    This has never happened to me, but I would immediately delete it because there can be pressure from both sides (do it/don't do it, with the former being on toxic forums, which I plan to have at least 2), message them that their account has been locked for 72 hours (and lock it from posting), as...
  19. Heroel - A... project?

    You should use a template engine instead. PS: I'm protesting until I get my 30 strength back.
  20. Heroel - A... project?

    That's no fun. I liked just beating people around with their arms tied behind their back. Brroooooo I went from 30 strength to 10. Instead of hard coding a 10% double-hit, it should be based on the agility or some other stat. Say... (Agility / Rand(2-5)) * (Speed / Rand(2-5)) / Rand(1-10). At...