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  1. Tyrsson

    General Wordpress VS WP Engine

    Nobody in their right mind would fork WP as a start to a new application. I just can't see it as a viable path. @Arantor you are 100% correct in that its ecosystem is the only reason it's still a viable solution. Eventually someone will break through though. I truly think the application that...
  2. Tyrsson

    General How many forums have you had (and what where they)?

    There is a typo in your topic title (and what where they)
  3. Tyrsson

    In case you have not heard. Php is dead.

    I just found this out via linkedIn. :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
  4. Tyrsson

    Unit Testing.... Need I say more...

    Unit Testing.... Need I say more...
  5. Tyrsson

    General Wordpress VS WP Engine

    I can 100% assure you there are others being built as I type this. The thing that absolutely amazes me is that WP has remained as popular as it has. Maybe the drama that is ongoing will really get some folks looking at viable alternatives. There is a lot of room for improvement with today's...
  6. Tyrsson

    Case Study The Roleplay Forum Life

    But, in your use case you can "mostly" be assured that your authors are also your primary readers... Another issue with the "Just run with it and see how it goes"... Most have no IDEA of the amount of work that would go into that "Run with it" part :ROFLMAO:
  7. Tyrsson

    General What was the first forum software that you ever used?

    LMAO, I swear that was not me. If you know you know ;)
  8. Tyrsson

    Case Study The Roleplay Forum Life

    Which is why I suggested pairing it with user settings so that it would be easier since they would just need to toggle. If you could first reach a place where everyone was with it on the formatting side then you could move forward. As for covering the text colors in relations to the many theme...
  9. Tyrsson

    Case Study The Roleplay Forum Life

    I mean I would think that would kinda be understood from the jump. I think a lot of times that might come from a lack of social skills in general. Not speaking bad about those that find themselves there but there is degrees of social aptitude.
  10. Tyrsson

    Case Study The Roleplay Forum Life

    I think this is really the issue (if I understand it all, there is a lot of nuance in the workflow there 😅 ) since it is dependent upon the user formatting the conversation correctly 100% of the time if you were to even try and consider it for allowing the to set preferences to then act upon...
  11. Tyrsson

    Case Study The Roleplay Forum Life

    Yea, I see your point. It's an interesting edge case for sure.
  12. Tyrsson

    Case Study The Roleplay Forum Life

    I'm sure you have already considered this (and I have even less of an idea of how well it would work in practice in your context) but my immediate thought about the colored text would be to allow the user to set their preferences in their settings (per character) somewhere and add a toggle to...
  13. Tyrsson

    Php 8.4 has been released: What’s new

    This is really, where its going just for the Mezzio ecosystem. The target audience are those folks that freelance but need or want the flexibility that is offered, just with an expanded package set to "get started quickly" with packages that are as flexible as the framework itself. Who knows, I...
  14. Tyrsson

    Would love to hear your thoughts

    Would love to hear your thoughts
  15. Tyrsson

    Php 8.4 has been released: What’s new

    Oh, trust me, I totally understand how far ahead they are and that's ok. But, I truly believe it can be done and working on doing it.
  16. Tyrsson

    Php 8.4 has been released: What’s new

    I say comparable, but I should really say better dev experience than laravel, or at least that is the goal.
  17. Tyrsson

    Php 8.4 has been released: What’s new

    @Arantor, man I wish you would join the Axleus Discord. Got sooo many cool things that are upcoming. Component based framework development with a comparable developer experience to laravel.
  18. Tyrsson

    Php 8.4 has been released: What’s new Should be explicit to the instance ;) IE also, not seedy :)
  19. Tyrsson

    Php 8.4 has been released: What’s new

    That is the entire point of __toString() :) no going out of your way and its not seediness :)
  20. Tyrsson


    @Arantor, frickin CLASS A response my friend, bar none. I'm just gonna leave it where @Arantor left it.