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  1. Flower

    Completed 20 Threads + 80 Posts for jCodes

    Third spot for me. I'll send it in today.
  2. Flower

    Completed 50 posts on

    I have completed my part.
  3. Flower

    Completed 50 posts on

    Tagging the fourth spot
  4. Flower

    Completed Premium package(lottery winner)

    Our message came in at the same time 😂
  5. Flower

    Completed Premium package(lottery winner)

    I have completed mine
  6. Flower

    Completed Premium package(lottery winner)

    Tagging the first spot!
  7. Flower

    Completed Chatosaur - 50 threads

    Tagging the 3rd spot.
  8. Flower

    Completed 20 Threads and 80 Posts

    Almost done. I've completed mine as well.
  9. Flower

    Completed Medical Marketing

    I have completed the task. Thanks!
  10. Flower

    Completed 20 Threads and 80 Posts

    I'll complete mine today
  11. Flower

    Completed Forum Posts

    I have completed it. Thanks!
  12. Flower

    Completed Admin Junkies

    I have taken the second spot I have completed my task!
  13. Flower

    Completed Medical Marketing

    Tagging the 4th spot
  14. Flower

    Completed Chatosaur

    Tagging the first spot I have completed my task.
  15. Flower

    Completed Forum Posts

    I still didn't receive account confirmation message in my email.
  16. Flower

    Completed Golden Content Package

    I have completed my part too!
  17. Flower

    Completed 20 Threads and 80 Posts

    Occupying the third spot
  18. Flower

    Completed Golden Posting Package Please

    Second spot for me. Completed my portion!
  19. Flower

    Completed Forum Posts

    This forum has been offline for some days.