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Introducing the Administrata Task Hub


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Hey @everyone

We've rolled out something that we think you’re going to love – the Administrata Task Hub! (Submenu: Shop & Orders => Credits Task) This is a new way for you to earn credits by doing simple (and sometimes pretty fun) tasks that will help our community grow. You know, those credits that you can use to trade services with other members, grab cool items from our shop (coming soon 😋) or get some quality content and design services. Or just unlock special perks on Administrata (Also coming soon. 🙈)

So right now, we’ve got a variety of tasks to get you started, from community support to creative challenges. And here’s the best part - we’re just getting started! We’ll be adding even more tasks over time, so if you have ideas, we’d love to hear them. If your idea is accepted, we’ll add it to the Hub, and that’ll count as a completed task for you. Easy credits, right? ;)

So jump in, explore what’s available, and start racking up those credits. And if you have questions or ideas, reach out – we’re always around to help. Thanks for being such a great part of the community!

Also, have you spotted our cool Halloween banner? Credits go to @BRANSOL :love:

Happy tasking,
The Administrata Team
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Wow, this is really cool idea. On Bizdustry, in my capacity as a moderator, I suggested something like this where the admins, staff as well as registered users could offer small tasks for forum credits. But sadly they did not work into it. I think offering tasks for credits and introducing marketplace to spend credits, is good for the economy of the community. I can see some available tasks and I can certainly try them. Well, done for bringing up a cool feature.
First of all, brilliant idea. (y)
I got a question.

Writting in an introduction section 5 posts. You are asking me to tell you what i wrote to them?
View attachment 285
Yes, you can also include links. Ideally I want to change that section to have a larger text field, still working on that.

Thanks everyone for the replies, glad ya’ll like it!
I realize I need to provide a bit more context.

Unfortunately, the Task system add-on was poorly designed. I’ve spent the last 6-7 hours troubleshooting, but unfortunately, we still haven’t resolved the issue. We lost 274 attachments, some of which were important, while others were not. Somehow, the task add-on took over these attachments, linking them to its own operations - obviously not the behavior it should have.

For now, I’ve decided to uninstall the add-on until it either exits beta or is redesigned with better attachment management. However, in doing so, 274 attachments were deleted from the server side. I was able to restore a backup from two days ago, but rebuilding the data hasn't helped, as it’s still not linked with the forum. Recovering these would require going into SQL to look up each individual post, thread, article, directory entry, etc., and manually relinking each attachment - a task that would take days, if not longer.

Instead, we’ll accept the loss and move forward. Thankfully, it’s not a major setback; we’ll simply re-upload attachments to key articles, important threads, and directory items. It’s disappointing, as the add-on showed promise for engagement. I hope that one day we can reintroduce it (after thorough testing, of course). I got a bit too excited despite the beta label and should’ve been more cautious, take this as a lesson and don't be a fool like yours truly. ;)

Anyway, I’ll archive this thread later this week but wanted to keep you all informed.
To be fair, I don't think it would be likely that you would have caught this bug on a beta test board as you wouldn't think of loading it up with attachments to see if it would affect them. I guess it could have been worse so I would be thankful the loss was only enough to teach a lesson and not as damaging as it could be. You owned up to the mistake, explained what happened, made a honest effort to rectify it and took full accountability for what happened.

You may not have planned on doing it but you gave a clear cut example of how to best respond to an admin screw up and showed your community an example of your leadership ability and character. Even in a negative, there is a positive waiting to be found that can benefit both you and others more in the long run then what could come from this add on.

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