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Recent content by Num7

  1. Num7

    Advice Is it best to have a website along side your forum?

    This is 100% true, you can't go wrong with this one. Portal or no portal? Site or no site? Good question. Here's my personal experience. My forum is 100% a forum. No website, blog or portal attached to it. Why not? Because it never worked. I tried many times to "add a site" to my forum and it...
  2. Num7

    Paid or Free Theme

    I paid for 2 themes over the past 15 years. Both were worth it, served us well and were much better than a lot of the free themes available at the time. Most free themes look good, but lack features here and there, as others have suggested. Nowadays, I tend to stick to the default XenForo...
  3. Num7

    Strategy This ain't an airport, no need to announce your departure

    It happens. Some people leave and want to say goodbye. That's fine. Some others are hoping to cause a bit of a stir when they leave. I usually reply with something short and honest like "Sorry to see you go, take care" and keep it simple. It's their choice, after all. As Cory said, if it turns...
  4. Num7

    Foundation The use of AI bots on forums

    A support forum is a good example of a proper AI bot. Or a bot labeled as such, that's there to imitate someone. Cheap example here, but think of an Elvis bot on your Elvis forum that you can interact with for fun. That would work and it wouldn't bother me at all. But other than that, I'm...
  5. Num7

    What are you nostalgic about?

    MSN Messenger, for sure. What a time it was. All those weird usernames and status messages. It was pretty unique, right? Haven't seen it anywhere else since then. I miss the rush of discovering cool shit on the Internet back in 1999 and the early 2000's. At that time, the internet was pretty...
  6. Num7

    General Ever ran your own wiki?

    Back in 2008 or 2009, I installed a MediaWiki instance on our Linux server at work. We then proceeded to move all our IT documentation to it, taking full profit of all the linking features, tags, and knowledge management tools. It was a great intranet Wiki back then. It was awesome and we were...
  7. Num7


    Hey, welcome to the forum! :)
  8. Num7

    Why did you start using forums?

    I didn't know at the time, but the first forum I joined would eventually, one day, belong to me. It was a previous iteration of Paranormalis. Back then, it was called TPN: The Paranormal Network. I joined because I wanted to join various discussions about time travel theories and whatnot...
  9. Num7

    What’s annoying you today?

    Here's something that annoys me. Some folks have mastered the art of transforming a productive meeting into a time-warped, meandering labyrinth of stalled ideas. 💤
  10. Num7

    What was the last tv show that you watched?

    I'm watching Dark Matter right now. It's a show about timeline-hopping and parallel universes. I won't go into detail, because spoilers, but their universe-hopping mechanic is well thought out and pretty clever, which makes the whole thing that much more believable and engaging. I love it!
  11. Num7

    Nice Digs You Got Here

    Hey man, welcome to the site! :) Have fun!
  12. Num7

    General FlatPress: A Database-less Alternative to WordPress

    Sorry for the delay, I had to test something before I could provide a proper answer. Here's an example that will help. The test blog post is located at /flatpress/?x=entry:entry240318-143718 The flat file that it is stored in is located at...
  13. Num7

    General FlatPress: A Database-less Alternative to WordPress

    All the content (posts and pages) are stored as text files on the server. It's in the "fp-content" directory, grouped by year, month, day, etc, IIRC. That way, all you need is PHP. No database required. It has its advantages, as even with a minimum hosting service, you're able to serve pages...
  14. Num7

    Uh... hi

    Hey there, welcome to the forum! :)