Website administration, specifically forums, allow genuine interaction to occur between humans around a topic. We all know that humans interacting doesn’t always result in positive outcomes. As a forum owner or moderator, we have a duty to protect our members.
What is your approach to...
Hello Michael,
Welcome to Administrata!
For your AMA: what is your leadership style?
I look forward to seeing you around and please reach out if you need anything!
This is an awesome initiative! I think this will provide a dynamic incentive for posting. I bet it’s going to draw out some of the competitive folks on here for sure!
I think general discussion forums are probably the easiest to start for many of the reasons mentioned above. However, I feel that the generalized nature of a general discussion forum also leads towards difficulty in maintaining momentum and creating a long-lasting project that retains community...
Personally, I'm not against old content being revived if new discussion ensues. I'm also not against an old thread being linked in a new thread to continue a previously concluded discussion. Either method is fine but I doubt I'd implement a rule in either direction so as to not alienate solid...
Great article. I think your recommendations are spot on. Today, there are so many additional tools to help generate content ideas as well. What trends are popping up in your industry? What major events are occurring that you know will draw in discussion? With the increasing popularity of...
I consider this a type of market research and it's absolutely important. Innovation is driven by a need and needs can often be garnered from what you feel is lacking with a competitor. This creates a cyclical effect where in theory, innovation should continue on both ends. Given how small the...
With the direction AI is moving and the integration of AI into search engines, I can't imagine how blocking these crawlers would be a good idea. Content that I don't want displayed publicly will be locked down. Building on fdk's remarks, I think our responsibility as admins is even greater...