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General A new-ish forum script

For discussions that don't fit other prefixes.


Community Explorer
Rating - 0%
So after coding for a while (3 months), I finally got my forum mostly finished.
It's super janky at the moment, and there will be bugs.

You can also probably guess where I took visual inspiration from.

Here it is: codetana

Coded in PHP, using CodeIgniter 4, running on MySQL, with some parts using SQLite.

Edit: I might put this up on github or something, not sure yet.
Looks great 😁 (y)
I concur. It does looks great. Love the simplicity. A light mode would be welcome, as well as a profile card when hovering over usernames.

How easy is it to develop modifications? What are you planning to do with it?
Light mode will be incoming soon!

Profile hover cards also sound nice.

I don't have any plans for modifications, but it should not be too hard to implement once everything is settled. I'd need some way to implement hooks though. Hmm.

In terms of what I want to do with the forum, no idea. :D I literally coded this to exercise my brain.
Light mode will be incoming soon!

Profile hover cards also sound nice.

I don't have any plans for modifications, but it should not be too hard to implement once everything is settled. I'd need some way to implement hooks though. Hmm.

In terms of what I want to do with the forum, no idea. :D I literally coded this to exercise my brain.
Keep doing it, don't give it up.

I was soooo disappointed by JamieW (you probably know him) when he abandoned ForumSpark. That was built on Laravel and had so much potential to become a great free forum host:

This looks great! It's simple but modern! Keep updating us with more changes you make. You have an opportunity to get into the free forum world and potentially outdo the competition if you play your cards right.

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