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General Which niche do you feel is overdone in the forum world?

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The internet is packed with forums catering to just about every niche you can imagine, but it got me thinking—are there certain types of forums that feel a little… overdone?

For me, video game and general chat forums seem to be the most oversaturated right now. Don’t get me wrong, it’s awesome to see so many people passionate about these topics, but standing out and attracting traffic in these niches has to be a real challenge with so much competition.

What about you? Are there any forum niches you think have been done to death? Or do you have a fresh take on an overdone niche that could still stand out? Let’s hear your thoughts!
Definitely video game and general chat - in spite of the latter being eaten mostly by social media.

Surprising amount of sports forums out there, too. But this is a genre I have zero interest in personally so my view on it might be distorted in terms of how popular it seems.
I'll have to admit it's a general discussion forums. I see them poping up all over the place, and most of them crash down for obvious reason: There are too many of them, and people are bored to say the very same thing all over the place. Kind a gets annoying over time (at least for me).
I don't think any niche is overdone. Competition is healthy, and it keeps us on our toes when we're trying to be on top.
General chat and general gaming forums tend to be oversaturated in the forum world. It's funny that I say that though, I own a general discussion forum. Promotional forums used to be oversaturated, but I haven't seen as many of these forums popping up lately.
I don't think any niche is overdone. Competition is healthy, and it keeps us on our toes when we're trying to be on top.
Competition is never a bad thing, but when you go from forum to forum and see the same types of discussions it can get to the point where they are oversaturated. The internet is naturally repetitive though; you'll find the same topics everywhere.
General chat and general gaming forums tend to be oversaturated in the forum world. It's funny that I say that though, I own a general discussion forum. Promotional forums used to be oversaturated, but I haven't seen as many of these forums popping up lately.
I'd really like to see some more promotion forums. But they must have an actual purpose of promoting on them.

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