XenForo 2.3.5 (Includes Security Fix) & Add-ons Released
XenForo 2.3.5 Released XenForo 2.3.5 is now available for all licensed customers to download. We strongly recommend that all customers running previous versions of XenForo 2.3 upgrade to this release to benefit from increased stability. In addition to the usual bug fixes, XenForo 2.3.5 includes...

Xenforo 2.3.5 has been released.
I had some trouble with ES and RM being stuck on the processing screen while upgrading to 2.3.5. This is due to the DigitalPoint PWA and Xon's Standard Library. Many of us will likely run these add on's too. So in case you have the same issue, here's my thread:

XF 2.3 - RM & ES stuck on Processing (2.3.5)
The forums have successfully upgraded to 2.3.5 and then it prompt me to upgrade the RM and ES add on. Both are stuck in the admin.php?tools/run-job Tried to rebuild manually multiple times without success. Am I doing something wrong here? TIA.