What's New ?

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What’s New at Administrata?​

Welcome to the What’s New thread! This is where you’ll find updates on all the minor tweaks, new features, and additions to Administrata. Think of it as our ongoing changelog, where we’ll regularly post to keep you in the loop. For bigger updates, we’ll share dedicated announcements as needed. Stay tuned for the latest enhancements and improvements coming your way!
The last couple of days went into the development of our Content & Design Order system. It's worth noting that this has now been completed.

While we're still working on the Meet The Staff section for content services (as we're actively recruiting talented team members), the system is ready for you to use.

You can check out the services overview by clicking the navigation link below:
👉Explore Services Overview

From here, you can choose between two services:

Each section contains essential details about the services offered, including pricing, along with easy-to-use call-to-action buttons for placing your order.

For example, if you're looking to order a custom logo, simply click the relevant button, and you'll be directed to the thread creation page. From there, you can fill in all the necessary details—your specifications, requirements, and any additional information—and our team will take care of the rest!


To ensure client privacy, we've decided to keep the Content & Design Order forums somewhat hidden. Instead of displaying these forums directly on the index page, we’ve opted for a redirect forum that links to the services overview page.

However, if you need direct access to the forums, they are still easily accessible through the navigation menu under "Shop & Orders". This allows for a seamless experience while maintaining privacy for our clients.
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