Engagement What's easier, reviving a long dead forum or starting a new one?

For strategies on keeping leadership involved with members.


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When I say 'long-dead forum,' I’m talking about one that’s been mostly dormant for months or even years, with no consistent userbase.

Do you think it's easier to breathe life back into one of those, or would it be simpler to just launch a brand-new forum on the same topic?

Personally, I lean toward the latter. There’s often more excitement around a fresh start than reviving something that’s been stagnant. People tend to be drawn to the buzz of a new community rather than rejoining one that faded out.

What’s your take? Would you rather help revive an old space or dive into something entirely new?
Personally I find it easier to start fresh, given that you have some sort of audience to start off with. I see some admins merging old forums or trying to breathe new life into old ones which often doesn't give the wanted results. I think that is mostly due that audience being gone. I could see it work if you have closed down the forum due unforeseen circumstances and try to revive it within the year. Anything past that year, is lost effort in my opinion.

If you ever managed a community more than two years, you know that a community constantly evolves and it's never the same as a year ago.
I reopened mine just over a week ago, and things have been fine since (even if it's after five years since I had shut it).
I prefer starting fresh because you can have a lot of old, outdated content when you revive an old board and a mostly inactive user base. Starting fresh, in general, gives me a sense of satisfaction knowing that I have created something new and perhaps unique.