Strong communities are built on shared goals and trust.

Foundation Staff Age Requirements

For topics focused on starting or structuring a community.


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Do you have any specific age requirements when adding someone to your staff team? For example, do they need to be at least 18?

Personally, I wouldn’t consider age a deciding factor. Many younger individuals are highly mature, dedicated, and enthusiastic, which can make them excellent additions to a team.
16 would be an absolute minimum age requirement for me, but I'd probably lean more towards 18 as a minimum requirement, depending on the nature of the site. I myself started being an admin/mod on several forums from the age of 13 though, and I'm aware that some people do lie about their age... I do like to talk to people I take on as staff on my site, whether that be through a phone call or a voice call over Skype or something (way back when), so you can usually gauge an age from that, just to be safe. But generally speaking, if someone acts like they're 18, I'd be inclined to believe them.
Yeah I usually only hire people over 18, I wouldn't want to hire a underaged person. It would be weird working alongside young teenagers when I'm 34 years old and I feel that there's some legal issues with that. Also even though 18 year olds aren't fully mature, they're much more mature than a 13 year old for example.
For most sites, including social media and email services, you are required to be at least 13 years of age. Technically speaking, I can hire anyone above that age. However, practically I will look for more experienced individuals and it is not possible to become experienced at a young age.

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