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General Reddit will tell you if your post breaks the rules before you publish it

For discussions that don't fit other prefixes.


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Reddit is introducing some new features for posts that should make it easier to know if your post meets a subreddit’s rules and if it’s for the appropriate community, according to a blog post.
The new Rules Check will flag a potential issue as you’re writing the post. As shown in a GIF of the mobile app, you’ll see a red notification badge above your keyboard on a little magic wand icon, and if you tap that, the app will display a pop-up showing rules that your post might be breaking.
A GIF showing Reddit’s new Rules Check feature. A popup appears showing a warning that a post may break a subreddit’s rules.

This feature will be tested first on iOS and Android. If your post is removed for breaking the rules, Reddit will show a prompt suggesting that you try instead to post it to a different subreddit.
The new Community Suggestions feature will offer recommendations on which subreddit a post might be a fit for. And the Clear Community Info tool you might see before posting will let you know a subreddit’s specific posting requirements.
Reddit is also offering insights on your posts, including “views, upvotes, shares, and more,” per the blog post.


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