This reminds me of the old internet for some reason. I guess it's because it's a simple website, you click and that's it really but you can have fun doing so.
Thank you! You can only click it once. I thought about a website where you could just keep clicking it infinitely but I am inexperienced and don’t know how to make that haha
This reminds me of the old internet for some reason. I guess it's because it's a simple website, you click and that's it really but you can have fun doing so.
They’re actually apart of the “adoptable pet games” niche, which is a sub genre of the virtual pet games niche. The concept is quite cool as your pet can grow from an egg to a full fledge pet after an x amount of clicks and sometimes days.
They’re actually apart of the “adoptable pet games” niche, which is a sub genre of the virtual pet games niche. The concept is quite cool as your pet can grow from an egg to a full fledge pet after an x amount of clicks and sometimes days.
I like the project! It’s simple, yet rewarding at the same time! Congratulations on launching it, keep up the good work!