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Tools Payment Providers for your forum

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Which payment providers do you use for your forum? Do you stick with PayPal, or have you branched out to other options?

Right now, I currently only use paypal as a payment provider on my forum, but I might implement more payment providers in the future.

Have you found it worthwhile to offer multiple payment methods, or do you prefer to keep things simple? What’s worked best for your forum?
I don't have a payment provider on any forums, ever. However, I do think PayPal is the safer option out there, and I don't think I would use any other payment option on a forum.
I typically stick to PayPal.

As a user, I get nervous about using payment systems I'm unfamiliar with. I'll usually not use them.
Cash out option is not available on my forums and buying membership is available only on one forum that I co-own. We use paypal, we are also thinking about using crypto payment, especially litecoin for shop and membership upgrades.
I used PayPal to handle all payments on my old forum, although for a very short while I did experiment with Skrill (formerly Moneybookers) early on, I quickly found that it wasn't nearly as popular as PayPal.

For a short while and as a meme I also accepted cryptocurrency payments, but this was long before the big "crypto-crazes". I still have lost Bitcoins somewhere that I will never retrieve. :cry:
I've never ran a community that gave out money, but I would stick to PayPal since many Countries use Paypal. I'd look into other ones though if I ever do give out cash or even possibly crypto on my communities. (But honestly I don't think I'd ever will.)
I prefer crypto as you can't use PayPal for online poker. I don't have any account upgrades on my forum, but it'll likely accept both PayPal and crypto if we add account upgrades in the future.

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