Hmm. I'm not sure, honestly. Forums are my escape, so I imagine I'd have developed some terrible habits by now if I didn't have forums to put time into.
I'd probably be playing MMO's instead. I used to obsessively play Guild Wars back in the mid 2000's. I only started dabbling in forums around 2008 a little bit and I wasn't an active user.
I’d be doing more writing. I would possibly even have skipped the career change and be on a different path - my job today is a result of running forums, and if I hadn’t run forums, it’s very possible I wouldn’t be in this job.
I'm really not sure what I'd be doing if I hadn't discovered forums. I've learnt so much from them, and so much of my online activity has ultimately stemmed from my involvement (one way or another) with forums, so I'm not even sure I'd be a regular internet user really if I hadn't discovered forums all those years ago as a teenager.