Foundation How hard do you find it to build a target audience?

For topics focused on starting or structuring a community.


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Let’s talk about building a target audience—it can be tricky, right? For some, it clicks right away, while for others, it can take some time to figure out who you’re really connecting with.

Have you had any challenges finding your audience, or maybe growing it once you’ve got one? What’s worked for you, and what hasn’t?

I’d love to hear your experiences—feel free to share your thoughts and ideas below!
I closed down a Yu-Gi-Oh TCG board on two separate occasions because I couldn't find a targeted audience. It's tough to find a targeted audience for specific niches like that. You'd probably have to depend primarily on social media to find an audience since that's where most people go these days for such specific niches. My resource board's targeted audience is on the platform itself, so as long as I advertise my board on similar niches on the platform and keep on doing what I'm doing by building up my resource empire, people will follow.
In late August, I launched a forum to do with social sciences, and that flopped miserably (especially when I don't think many people out there, or at least those I know, would know anything to do with them).

On the flip side though, I knew someone that ran a forum to do with a very obscure video game series called Keitai Denjuu Telefang and he managed to find moderate success with it.