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How do you overcome writer’s block when working on tight deadlines?


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Writer's block is a curse that no writer wants to fall into but it is inevitable that at some point, you will reach a point where writer's block sets in.

When you are working on a project that has a tight deadline, what do you find works and helps you get through that period of writer's block and help you stay on track and reach your deadline? Any tips you could give to other writers?
I use a priority matrix.

I divide my tasks into the most urgent ones with the most impact, ones that are not so urgent but that would have a great impact, ones that are urgent but would have little impact, and ones that are not urgent and would have the least impact.

I then work them from the first to the last. If I can get work in the first two categories done before afternoon, I am golden for the day.

I have found that this matrix also works in other areas, such as web development and planning.

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