People who want to to support Administrata have the option of upgrading their account to Administrata+ or Administrata Pro. We have tried to make the benefits as optimal as we can, offering good value for money. Below is the current system.
At Administrata we are constantly trying to evolve and we acknowledge when we do not get it right. Cedric and I feel that this is something which we have not right and that the system would benefit from some changes to make it more appealing.
The aim is to streamline the system by having just a single upgrade to one usergroup, but before we implement any changes we wanted to ask you, the community, what you would like to see as part of the upgrade.
Looking at the current system, what would need to be included for you to consider upgrading your account to support Administrata? What benefits would you like to see? Is it shiny new usergroup formatting? Discounts? Access to theInner Circle exclusive Premium Membership forum? Or is it just the warm, fuzzy feeling you get from supporting the emergent leader in forum management communities?
Tell us what you think. What works, what doesn't work in the current system, and what feature would make you part with your cold-hard cash.
No changes will be made without first reviewing what you guys and girls come up with.
As a special bonus, if you suggest a feature and it's implemented, you'll be granted a free three month upgrade to the new usergroup, so get those suggestions in! You have nothing to lose.
Thanks for reading,

The aim is to streamline the system by having just a single upgrade to one usergroup, but before we implement any changes we wanted to ask you, the community, what you would like to see as part of the upgrade.
Looking at the current system, what would need to be included for you to consider upgrading your account to support Administrata? What benefits would you like to see? Is it shiny new usergroup formatting? Discounts? Access to the
Tell us what you think. What works, what doesn't work in the current system, and what feature would make you part with your cold-hard cash.
No changes will be made without first reviewing what you guys and girls come up with.
As a special bonus, if you suggest a feature and it's implemented, you'll be granted a free three month upgrade to the new usergroup, so get those suggestions in! You have nothing to lose.
Thanks for reading,