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Happy Valentine's Day!


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I'd love to wish everyone a Happy Valentine's Day filled with love and happiness.

I know Valentine's day was made up by the businesses to create more profit and business but I love to use this day as a reminder of all of the things I love and appreciate. Almost like a second Thanksgiving :P

My boyfriend and I don't really celebrate Valentine's day both because we don't need to do anything special to know that we love and appreciate each other and because it is so close to our anniversary date things would get expensive if we celebrated Valentine's day. That's not to say I don't get him a little something but we don't go all out or go out for dinner or anything. This will be our second year together and both years I've just cooked us a special meal and after we talk about our future goals as aouple and where we would like to be in a year, 5 years etc.

What do you usually do on Valentine's day? I'd love to hear =)

Happy Valentine's day everyone. I don't celebrate this personally, but I do enjoy seeing stuff about this.
Happy soon-to-be Singles Awareness Day for myself. I do wish everyone who does celebrate Valentine's Day a great day, however. :)
Happy Valentine's Day!

My girlfriend and I don't really celebrate it - but, I hope everyone who does enjoyed it :) .
Happy Valentine's Day everyone! My wife and I celebrated last weekend with a weekend getaway. This weekend will be about the kids!

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